Feeling strange! :/

Zoe S

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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I had a mmc back in July and our baby would have been due on the 13th January.
We have just found out I'm pregnant again last week and I'm feeling very odd about it all! I would have been nearly at the end now and should be walking around with a big bump!
instead I'm starting all over again with nothing but bloating tiredness! Anyone else going through the same thing!? Xxx
Me hun. I also lost my baby in July at 15 weeks. He was due January 3rd. I'm 9dpo today and just got a bfp. I'm all over the place emotionally. I cried my eyes out when I see it and I've not even gone down and told oh yet. It's the weirdest feeling like is it ok to be happy kinda feeling. I am terrified tho as I'm sure you are. Hope it's plain sailing for you this time hun xxx
its horrible isn't it Hun! I want to be excited but feel like i shouldn't as i don't want to get my hopes up in petrified! Hope you feel better about it soon Hun and everything goes smoothly for you Hun xx
It is. It's the not knowing how to feel. I smiled I was happy then just burst into tears. I love Charlie and will never be able to replace him but I really hope this baby sticks. We decided when we first said we would try again that we will not tell anyone till 16 weeks if we can get away with it. Come on babies hold on tight xxx
yeah we have told close friends and family but in bog already so wont get away with people not guessing for much longer xx
I really don't want to tell anyone for as long as possible. I promised I wouldn't try again after last time. I nearly died during an erpc and everyone was so worried. So I want to be as far as possible so I'm past the most risky time and I don't get told off lol xxx
yeah i think remember reading your story in the miscarriage section xx you had it really bad Hun x i hope for your sake this pregnancy goes smoothly for you wish i could get away with just telling family but i look about 3-5 months already but i did last time xx
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger so they say. I'm lucky there I'm overweight so no one will notice haha. I do get very bad sickness tho so might not be able to hide it. Will just have to see how it goes xxx

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