Feeling strange *Updated*


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Last night was a really weird one for me, and I actually started to get a bit worried.

Almost as soon as I went to bed I started to get really quite bad period pains - lower abdomen and around to my back. The scary thing is that this is exactly what I got during the nights leading up to giving birth to my ds2!

The only thing I can think that it might be is the iron tablets I started taking yesterday (about an hour before going to bed). I've never taken them in any of my previous pregnancies. I know that they are known for causing constipation, but not any other side effects.

I was awake most of the night because of the period pains, or because I was just worrying.

I told dh this morning, and he said perhaps the baby will come early!! This is far too early for me.

Anyone else had this?? I can't imagine that it is stretching because it's all stretched 3 times before and I never got these pains then, apart from right at the end.

Sorry this has turned out long. The period pains have gone now, but I am feeling really strange still. I was feeling really faint while waiting at pre-school, and at the post office. Just got this strange feeling today.

Heather x

I have not had a baby before so i wouldn't know what that felt like.
But i have been on iron and when it caused me to get (ahem) constipated :oops: I have felt period type cramps.

I assumed it was where everything was so clogged up.

If you are worried though give your midwife a buzz :)

I would recommend running it past your MW hun, may well just be the iron tablets, but best to put your mind at rest so you're not worrying :hug:
Sorry I can't be any more help :hug:
I had tis at 28 +5 and was admitted for observation to the delivery suite.

Luckily it turned out to be nothing just probably growing pains combined with braxton hicks but if you're concerned I would contact your m/w to make sure.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
:hug: Heather, I have no personal experience, would just add what others have said, talk to your MW or GP is you're worried, and in the meantime try to take it easy, pop your feet up, and I hope your mind eases a little and things feel comfortable again soon :hug:

I had this a couple of weeks ago - the same thing - period pains, lower tummy and around my back - same as I felt a few days before I went into labour with Maddie. I phoned the maternity assessment unit at my hospital as I was worried about going into labour early. They told me that it was probably because I'd been over-doing it. Anyway she said if my waters hadn't broken and there was no bleeding, and as long as I wasn't actually contracting, then get my feet up and take it easy (easier said than done!!).

In any case I pulled my MW appointment forward by a week as I wanted the reassurance of seeing her and everything was fine when I went along.

Don't know if this helps - I'd probably still run it by your MW as you'll want peace of mind for yourself, but hopefully it's the same sort of thing :hug:

Thank you all for your replies.

It's reassuring to hear that you had a similar thing littlebump, and that it didn't lead up to anything.

Don't know how I'm feeling now really. Been really tired all day, and tummy seems to have been constantly hard and really heavy (assuming braxton hicks, never had them this early with any of my others). I've been slightly damp all day too, but that might just be normal - no where near wet, so don't think it's waters or anything.

I am seeing the mw on thursday morning anyway, so I might just leave it until then. The strange feeling I've had today isn't pain or anything like that, just feeling funny.

If it happens again tonight I will ring mw in the morning.

Thanks again.

Heather x
Hi everyone,

Saw the midwife this morning.

Tuesday night I didn't have any pains at all, but last night I had some slight periody pains again, but nothing compared to monday night.

Mw did all the usual checks, and everything is fine. Baby is actually measuring to dates now - 30cm, will be 30 weeks tomorrow. Up to now it has always measured under. BP is same as last time 90/50.

I told her about the pains I had been having, and how similar it was to the few days prior to having ds2, and she did seem a little concerned. She asked if I had had a show (no) or any bleeding (no) or any strange discharge (no). And then said that if I the pains again to go straight to the labour ward where they will check to see if I am dilating!! This actually scared me a bit, as I had more or less told myself that it was nothing!

Anyway, she then went on to say that it may well be nothing and could just be growing pains, and all pregnancies are different so just because I have had 3 babies before doesn't mean I won't have different experiences.

As she was going out the door she said she hopes I don't have any more strange pains as she doesn't want to see me end up at the hospital!

I think now what she has said is sinking in, and I am sat here typing it, it is scaring me more than when she said it. Do you think it sounds serious??

I don't know what to think now??

Heather x
ive been getting exactly the same,peroid pains, back ache,its worse at night,saturday just gone i lost alot of water,so went in to labour ward and they said all is well, now im getting sharpe pains shooting downstairs (tmi :oops: ) and in my back bottom,he feels so low as well, im wondering if i need to check if im dilating or anything as they didn't check that before :think: hmm seeing mw tomoz so im sure i will find out, this is my 3rd baby, so maybe its all the stretching and stuff.....hope your ok now xxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug:
It is hard not to worry.but would put your feet up and try to relax as much as you can with another 2 children.

I would of thought if she was very concerned you were dilating she would of checked herself.

:hug: :hug:
:hug: thanks cloud9 :hug: god its always a worry, any lttle twinge at this stage and you think something is about to happen :roll: im walking around like bloomin clint eastwood at the mo, he is that low :shock: will try and rest, my eldest breaks up today, for a month they are off :shock: :shock:think i might take myself off somewhere :) xxxxxx
cloud9 said:
I would of thought if she was very concerned you were dilating she would of checked herself.

:hug: :hug:

Well that's what I thought, but she actually said that she couldn't do any examinations, and that's why I would have to go to the labour ward?? I thought this was a bit odd really, but didn't think to question it at the time.

I wouldn't mind all this going on in about 5 weeks time, but I'm only 30 weeks, so starting to worry a bit!!

Heather x

Oh hun hope baby stays in there for a few more weeks :hug:
Heather I really hope you relax and the worrying eases :hug:
MW's are trained medical professionals and it's their job to detail what 'could' happen, it doesn't mean it will, like others have said, you were sent home because all is well :) We are at a stage where you can feel braxton-hicks, pre-labour warmups, it's natural and normal, if sometimes uncomfortable, I do hope your mind eases and you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy :hug:
If worry ever overtakes, always phone your MW or GP :hug:

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