feeling sorry for myself!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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hey guys! just wanted to have a little moan!
ive been feeling absolutely terrible for the last three weeks. im repulsed by pretty much all foods just now. have lost about half a stone because i literally cant eat. and when i do im throwing up. managing to keep down liquids though. and some foods, so its not an emergency. but just feeling so low! tired constantly. and just feel really weak! i swear i dont know how women do this more than once, at this stage i think il just have the one baby! although ive never wanted an only child because i think siblings are so important, but this is just so difficult! hate feeling this run down!
on top of feeling terrible ive got alot of stuff going on just now. been staying with my otherhalf for a while now, but his landlord isnt happy about it because im not a student anymore so something to do with council tax, so now we need to move out asap. and finding a place is just so difficult! and all the problems pretty much all come back to money, or lack there of! its just adding so much extra stress! almost threw up today in a flat we were viewing!
just kinda wanting to vent really! my otherhalf is incredible, but im sure hes stressed too so dont wanna keep going on about all our problems to him all the time!
wah :(

Oh dear, Poor you! Know how you feel with the eating and stuff - it's awful isn't it? Im just living for the day it stops atm! lol Harsh that ur landlord seems to be awkward. Hope you find a new place soon and it's not too stressful for you! Keep relaxing ;) xx
Hope it gets better soon. I had hardly any then none at all for a few days and now it,s hit me really hard. I can barely keep anything down either.
feeling a tiny bit better today. but dont wanna jinx it! hope you feel better soon guys! roll on tri 2! xx
I was on holiday last week and spent the whole time feeling like crap, still feel terrible now!
I spoke to my MW about it and she said it is completely normal, so I guess it is just something we have to ride out.

I've lost weight too, but hopefully soon our appetites will come back and we can make little bellies.
oh hun, i felt like that to start with and i am feeling better.
just keep thinking of that little baby who is gonna be ur world.
big hugs, and dont worry
(try boiled sweets i know it sounds stupid but workd for me)
thanks girls! feeling less sick today but more exhausted. literally spend most my time asleep these days! yawn! xxx
Totally feel for you, im exactly the same this time round but first pregnancy was a dream compared to this! So I promise all pregnancys are different so maybe next time round will be better for you x x

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