Feeling sick?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Hey everyone :wave: Just thought I'd post this for all those feeling as rough as I am :puke:

I got this page in an email this morning.
http://www.welcomebabyhome.com/shopping ... medies.htm
I've never heard of these things before has anyone tried any of them and if so - did they work? I think I'm willing to try anything at the moment! It's getting harder and harder changing Brody's poopy nappies :puke: :puke: :lol:

Oh and is it possible to be getting a bump already at almost 7 weeks :think: I'm sure I didn't have a bump until about 10 weeks last time and although I know you can show earlier 2nd time round I still thought it would be a bit early! :lol: I am sooooo bloated it is unbelievable and trying to figure out if it's just me putting weight on :lol:
Hey Hun :wave:

Great link; think I will try them; although I have not actually been sick yet just feel really sick.

Have you been sick?

I too feel really bloated and feel like my stomach has grown. They do say that you show quicker the 2nd time around; maybe it's because it's all been stretched before.

Take care and hope you feel better soon :hug:
Ive had a bump for ages now but technically the uterus stays in the pelvis till 12 weeks, but the waist does expand from the start :cheer: mines massoooove as like the midwife said my uterus was just popping when i went. But i have been showing since bout 5 weeks hehe. For the sickness try sucking polos or brushing your teeth i always feel better afterwards :hug:
Pregnancy sickness is horrible isn't it hun, especially at the beginning...it will get better though, if not much more bearable. Hope you feel less sicky soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug:

I'm even gonna start putting my belly pics on soon! Even if it is more blubber-belly than baby belly :rotfl: I'm too impatient :lol:
Aw I hope you feel better soon hun and will look out for your belly pics :hug: :hug:
oooh, the Preggy Pops look interesting! I might buy some and give them a go. thanks x
Im right there with you hun.. Im feeling really pooh today... booo

I am 10weeks pg with my 2nd child and my bump is defo showing and has been for a couple of weeks! I'm using a hair band to fasten my jeans so I can wear them for a bit longer but i really think I will have to get some maternity stuff very soon - i'm gonna be huge! lol :wave:
Hello there Girls

I'm 7 weeks and 1 day with first baby, so this is all knew and a bit scarey!

I havent actually been sick but just this week have been very very tired, I think I would use the word "drained"
I have the headaches that some other girls have talked about and have felt quite gassy. I seem to feel the worse in the afternoon and evening.
I had a meeting at work today this afternoon, room full of people and it was very hot and I couldnt wait for it to be over with as I felt pretty rough, yet I feel much better now, I find it comes in waves.

By the way is there any connection/wives tales between morning sickness and baby's sex? I just wondered as nearly every one of my friends who have had girls were physically sick with morning sickness and those that have had boys werent?
Im looking rather large too, was a standard size 12 before getting pregnant and this weekend just invested in some size 16 jeans........(they are a tiny bit big, but very comfy)!!

At my scan on Mon the sonographer did comment that I was full of wind :oops: but I definitely have a small bump too and my waistline is rapidly expanding.

I havent had any sickness (well the odd couple of minutes of feeling sick on the rare occasion), so cant comment on that!!
aw hope you feel better soon heres the things i used to do to make me feel better- brushing my teeth used to make me worse coz i would then gag and be sick..but the mint thing is deffo good- so mints or mint tea is supposed to help!
*dry toast
*ginger biscuit
*flat coke
*a pint of water (although i would then be weeing every few mins)
This is my first so I cant figure if my bump belly is bloating or baby-ish things going on! I get bloated before my period and I got this and it never went away! lol!

The sickness does pass......I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel :) :hug: :hug: :hug: to all you girls suffering.... its the worst i know...
I'm gonna definately give everything mentioned a try! I still haven't actually been sick yet either but feel constantly about to IYKWIM?

With Brody I got the odd wave of nausea but nothing this bad :eek: So maybe I'm having a girl :think: Not sure if I believe those old wives tales or not :think:

With my tum it is definately a mixture of trapped wind and extra flab! (I tend to eat when I feel sick thinking I must be hungry :oops: :oops: )

Hope everyone feeling sicky feels better soon :hug: :hug:
Oh my god I forgot how rubbish I felt when I was pregnant with Evie and am feeling sicky all over again :wall: I went to the supermarket today and just felt :puke: walking round looking at all the food. And as for :bored: I'm just feeling drained. Ah well, only lasted til week 18 last time, only another 13 weeks to go :)

Hope you all get a few good days in this first tri, naughty babbas :hug:
First time mum said:
By the way is there any connection/wives tales between morning sickness and baby's sex? I just wondered as nearly every one of my friends who have had girls were physically sick with morning sickness and those that have had boys werent?

I wasn't physically sick with Gabs, I had nausea but was never sick, so I don't think there is any truth in this.
I think everyone's different and their bodies deal with pregnancies in different ways.

Another thing I have heard and I am not sure about but is quite interesting is, if you suffer with bad periods you tend to have a bit of a struggle with pregnancy, being sick etc but if your periods are normal then your pregnancies are plain sailing.
I must say I don't suffer with AF at all and my pregnancy was plain sailing with Gabs; apart from the tiredness and nausea in first tri but that's to be expected..... Interesting. Anyone got any thoughts on this? :think:

Roll on tri 2 :cheer:
a girl i used to work with has a 3 yr old daughter and a 3 month old son- i remember
when i worked with her she had to go on maternity leave at 3 months because she was so sick she went into hospital
to be put on a drip as she wasnt keeping fluids in..she was sick for her whole pregnancy yet with her little boy she only felt
nauseous for the first 4 months! Also i have always had very bad periods.used to miss loads of school and was put on the pill eventually they were terrible but i had a pretty good pregnancy i had morning sickness till about 14 weeks then i was fine- nothing too bad mostly just felt sick- was sick when i brushed my teeth a few times and felt faint a few times!
I dont know about the old wives tale i think your right it just depends on your body and every pregnancy is different!
when i had a m/c i hadn't really felt sick at all but the dr said it was like a chemical pregnancy and failed very early on- so who knows.. :? :?
fran_23 said:
a girl i used to work with has a 3 yr old daughter and a 3 month old son- i remember
when i worked with her she had to go on maternity leave at 3 months because she was so sick she went into hospital
to be put on a drip as she wasnt keeping fluids in..she was sick for her whole pregnancy yet with her little boy she only felt
nauseous for the first 4 months! Also i have always had very bad periods.used to miss loads of school and was put on the pill eventually they were terrible but i had a pretty good pregnancy i had morning sickness till about 14 weeks then i was fine- nothing too bad mostly just felt sick- was sick when i brushed my teeth a few times and felt faint a few times!
I dont know about the old wives tale i think your right it just depends on your body and every pregnancy is different!
when i had a m/c i hadn't really felt sick at all but the dr said it was like a chemical pregnancy and failed very early on- so who knows.. :? :?

I suppose our bodies just deal with pregnancies how they want and each pregnancy is different :D
There are no explanations.............. :D

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