Feeling scared


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Does anyone feel scared?

I do a little bit, a bit nervous to be exact i've never had a bump before and there will be a full grown baby in there and everything...


I do too... think ( or at least hope!) its a normal reaction. I had the worst dream last night too about not being able to hold the baby properly and hurting it by accident all the time- even with its head getting trapped in the sofa and falling off...very bizarre!
I've never even had a pet to look after! We had planned to get fish first and work our way up- only just got the fish tank a couple of weeks ago and no fish yet, so running a bit behind schedule to get cat or dog then have baby! :rotfl:
I also used to have issues with the alien films and being pregnant but thank goodness i've got over that one!
We'll be ok though, hormones and instincts will kick in to combat the scary feelings. :hug:
I do

I think I feel that becaue I only got my BFP yesterday that I;m more scared that something will go wrong than anything else

midna said:
:hug: ..wow sharne not long left in 1st :cheer:

I know its going soo quick told another friend today and im starting to get a bit pudgy in the tummy area lol!!

I guess maybe we're sard cause we don't know what to expect...
handbagqueen said:
I also used to have issues with the alien films and being pregnant but thank goodness i've got over that one!

I have that!!!! Hehee I just know that if the baby does that whole pushing a hand or foot out and you can see it on the outside i will completely freak out!! Thinking its gonna burst through my tummy!!!!

Im also a bit worried about the holding the baby thing coz I have never held a very young babe.
Yep! This is my first and started to think the worry will never end!

I'm feeling down because I have a bump, but it's not pronounced enough to LOOK like a baby bump, so I just look like I ate all the pies!

I think it's the same with aliens and things (lol gone off track but I'll turn it around again...) we fear the unknown... I'm scared now that there's only one way out for this little mite :shock: Eek!!

BUT, the maternal instincts WILL kick in when our LOs arrive so holding the baby, feeding etc will come naturally and we'll all think, "what the heck were we worried about?!"

We're all going to be great mums! Every single one of us! Look how much we love them already... Love doesn't just disappear :D :hug:

I think I've put on a fair bit of weight already :oops: The only thing that I've found to keep the queasiness at bay is to eat every two/three hours - it's still healthy stuff but volume wise it's way more than I used to eat.

Also I've never really looked after a baby before and I'm not really a maternal person! I'm hoping that I'll just be all overwhelmed with love as the baby grows :)

I'm very much in denial about the whole birth thing. Think I'll worry about that the nearer I get to it :lol:
I'm cr**ping myself!! Sometimes I get really worked up and OH has to hush me to sleep! Ha! His paternal instincts seem to be kicking in already!

I've not got too worried about the pregnancy at the mo as things have been pretty easy going for me. When I get bigger and look down and see the size of my tum, I think I'll then worry about how the hell it's going to get out!

But also been scared that I'll forget I have a baby one day and leave it in a shop or something! Or scared I won't know what to do with most things. I'm sure it's all natural and we'll all be fine :pray: :D

Lucie x
Mildly said:
I'm very much in denial about the whole birth thing. Think I'll worry about that the nearer I get to it :lol:

So am I! I was telling lauranjamesnbaby that I'm refusing to read anything on labour etc and when people tell me their bad birth stories I want to stick my fingers in my eyes and go LALALALALALA lol

I'm the same though, every labour is diffrent.. and whatever good tips you hear will probably go out the window when it comes to it anyway!

We can only deal with it how we deal with I suppose when the time comes!

Haha :rotfl: CORRECTION: "Stick my fingers in my EARS"

:wall: That would be painful...

HideiLu said:
But also been scared that I'll forget I have a baby one day and leave it in a shop or something!

LOL! That would be terrible!! I have that worry too, must be normal!

I guess we all worry about similar things lets have a group :hug: :hug: :hug:
at antinatel classes do they teach you alot of stuff because I was thinking the other day what about bathing and changing nappies, giving meds eek so much to think about it!!
to be honest sharne....... i never went to any of these classes (although maybe quite useful) and the motherly incstint just comes to you. before i had my lil one i didnt really have a clue and had never handled young babies ....then ellie came along i was like SUPER MUM !!
lol but your motherly incstint will take over and u will start to worry less as it all comes together slowly
Awwww if my experience is anything to go by, then yes, yours is too :hug:

I wasn't terrified, but scared was a good word for it. Once the early PG symptoms started to fade and I wasn't so focused on dealing with them, the enormity of being pregnant kind of hit me and took a fair while to sink in. I don't think I really adjusted to it till I was about 20 or so weeks. #

The bump for me was a thing of wonder :) Although it still is, it is now also this blooming great thing that hurts when I turn over at night, feels like I have a whole heap of wriggling going on in there and means I can no longer shave my legs or even put my socks on properly :rotfl: Its so many things, everything you can imagine and even when it makes me feel a bit miserable because of the discomfort, it still makes me feel wonderful aswell :)
I think it's totally natural to feel scared, it's such a major experience in life having a baby.

One thing I guarantee you though, is you will amaze yourself with how you cope with birth and having a newborn baby. I bet you'll just take it all in your stride. I'd never had much to do with babies either before my son but I took to motherhood straight away. Your instincts take over.

With my first, I didn't think too much about the birth. A few people were a bit patronising towards me with their comments regarding how painful it is etc...But my view was, it has to come out one way so why stress about it.

As it turned out the birth itself wasn't that painful, afterwards was another story but you get past it.

I would recommend ante natal classes personally. I was a bit sceptical at first but actually I found them quite useful. A lot of the stuff I knew because I read every baby mag going :) but they tell you a lot useful things that are specific to the hospital. Worth doing. Plus a lot of people make great friends via their ante natal classes.

The midwives on the post natal ward will show you how to bathe baby, change nappies etc..They'll give you a lot of help along with the ward support staff.
Oh you girls are too fab!!

I guess i just want to make sure i know as much as poss u know?

Can anyone rec a good preggy mag??

x :cheer:
i dont think its actually sunk in properly yet!!!

when it does i'll be :shock: but probably :lol: soon after
Steelgoddess said:
Oh you girls are too fab!!

I guess i just want to make sure i know as much as poss u know?

Can anyone rec a good preggy mag??

x :cheer:

What To Expect When Your Expecting is a good book to read and have to hand. Month by month exp,ained and loads of other info. Plus you don't have to read it all in one go, but can leave each month till you are almost there.

I've not bothered with pregnancy magazines tbh as half the stuff is aimed at toddlers etc and won't be at that point for a couple of years. Also thinga are improved and changed so often that what is in the shops now from a company might be revamped in a year etc.

I have a pretty good idea of how I hope to raise our LO, what I hope to do re feeding, weaning, solids, environment and so on. More common sense than anything else and am confident we'll work it out.

I did sign up to Netmums.com online for local stuff. Some handy things there you might like.
Steelgoddess said:
Can anyone rec a good preggy mag??

10 years ago when I had my son I read Pregnancy and Birth magazine religiously, and I went to the local shop the other day and it's still going!! It's got loads of useful bits of info in it.

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