Feeling rubbish


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2012
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I have sore big boobs, feel tired, very bloated and still have altered sense of taste and smell...all these things are a reminder of pregnancy and yet I have no baby in there, just a sac. Life is so unfair that you can feel so pregnant and know that it will be over soon :( I am trying so hard to keep it together cos I don't want my son to suffer if his mum is a crying mess but just feel so annoyed that it has happened again. Sorry for the rant, just need to let it out x
Thanks hun. I am struggling today, was like a zombie at work today and had a little cry in the kitchen :( I held it together over the weekend as I already had some lovely fun plans for my son and I didnt want to ruin it for him but its all hitting me now x
Hi lisey, sorry to hear of your loss. I know how heart breaking it is.

Thinking of you x x
Really sorry Hun! Thinking of you x
No words can make it go away, but just know we're here for you x
Really sorry lisey it's so horrible what our bodies do to us sometimes :-( big hugs xx
I'm really sorry lisey for your loss (hugs and x)

I felt nauseous for some time after my mc. I completely understand about you not wanting your son to see you upset. I have a four year old ds who knew (in a child friendly way) what had happened. I tried to keep strong around him, as he was already a bit shaken by my sudden admission to hospital. It is however important to have that time when you can cry, greive, rant or let out whatever else you feel.

Here for you xxx
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I am sorry hon, it is so unfair and hard to deal with.

Take care of yourself xxx
Thanks so much everyone, you're all so lovely xx
Hope your feeling a bit better today Hun x
Not feeling great today, having v strong pregnancy symptoms and its depressing :( I just want all of this over with now. How are you doing? X
Sending you a big hug. Hopefully your body will settle soon and you can begin to pick yourself back up. Message me any time x

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