Feeling rubbish


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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I'm hot, tired, my bump really hurts to the touch and is rock solid with BH, my hips are killing me, I've got a slightly upset tummy, sooooo much pressure where his head is he feels like he's going to crawl out of his own accord this morning.

Am so glad I've finished work now. How's everyone else this morning? xxxxxxxxx
Firstly :hugs: secondly stay in bed eat chocolate and watch crap tv (I'm envious of that I'm still at work)
Hope you feel better soon

I'm knackered this morning but have got to get my bum in gear to go to work :(
Oh and I'm fed up of having the bladder of a peanut !!!

Wow pg is so awesome, we can't wait to be tri 3 then when we hear tri 1 seems like a breeze lol xxx
Hahahaha we all rushed to get here and we're still moaning! Hope your day goes quick hun :hug: xxxxxxxx
aww hope ya took that advice n stayed in bet, iv bern feelin pants again lastfew weeks but were on d last leg so nearly there
went for walk on sunday, was painfull but she droped down further n seems to have given my bladder a bit more room only up twice lastnite yaiiii
I'm having a pj, cake andcrap tv day! Lol! Might send DH round the shop for a stash of chocolate too! Lol!

We r gonna finish the pictures for Pip's room and put his canvas picture up. Then it's all ready barr fitting his dimmer switch :D

I'm just generally uncomfortable. Want him out but not today as SIL is having contractions after her fore waters went on Sunday (she is due 17th march). Don't want babies born the same day! Lol! I'll never hear the end of joint birthdays!
Ha ha!

I feel like crap today too. I am having awesome sinus issues at the moment. My eyes are feeling rubbish even, as is my whole head. I get sinusitis usually when I'm feeling run down, but at least then I just take medication and within very little time I start to feel better. Today - I want to go to bed, but when I lay down my back, hips, shoulders, neck and bump feel seriously uncomfortable!!!

I have had to come around to my parents house today too because we have a number of workmen at my house, and I just don't feel comfortable there... So I'm hiding out here. Truth is though, I just can't wait to be back at my house! What a nightmare day!!!

I hope you start to feel better babybrain! Xxxxx
You too hunny, hope your nose clears soon xxxxxxxxx
yay for us all feeling crappy. im bloody knackered after the last few days of it hurting so much to lie down or turn over. today im gonna do the dishes and hoover cos ive not bothered for a couple of days and theres so much fur on the floor off the cat i could make a new one lol
snap hun. Tum is rock hard and really uncomfortable. Can't bend over cos I can't breath and go blue! lol. My foof and pubic bone is soooooooo swollen and painful its unreal. Feel like AJ is digging his way out like a little mole. Back hurts, can't stop peeing and am so tired I could pass out!! pmsl. What a miserable bitch I am. lol
Come 7pm I'll have major rib pain. Every time he hears his Dad's voice after work he sticks his bum out for a rub whilst using my ribs for leverage :roll:. If there's such a thing as reincarnation I'm coming back as a female seahorse :D
I am too!!!!!!!!!!!! Jason always winds AJ up!!! I am going to bed at 8pm to watch waterloo rd and the OBEM. Gonna run a bath first. lol. Just at kebab and chips so have some major heartburn going on now. lol
After Thomas went to school this morning I went back to bed only to have Jb ring me asking for my help to clean one of our houses as the shitty tennants can't clean up after them selves and put I frigging bin bag out and wash up!!!! I found bowls with mould in them!!!!!! And 2 pieces of steak or something left in the oven with a weeks worth of bacteria on needless to say I was an unhappy hormonal heavily pregnant woman who tore them new arse holes and said if it happened again they could consider them selves homeless!!!!! :-/ xx

Hey hun hun hope you feel better stay in bed and watch cheesy films :) xx
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I have had a pants day at work and was really wishing I'd finished already!! Choc is getting me through. 3 weeks and 2 days to go til I finish - BRING IT ON!!!!!!

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