Ginnymarie - another update with questions


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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*******Thanks for you lovely responses everyone. I am feeling a bit better, had some good sleeps and that always helps.

I am now having painful braxtons but again they don't get regular, however, today I had the urge to cook and I just never cook, OH does it all. I have made a huge 4 breast chicken casserole with loads of veg then after I did that I baked a huge tray of flapjack.

The pelvic pressure is immense but the tightenings are very low, all around my groin, going into my hips and bum, they don't feel like period cramps yet but do feel like when I have had a tummy upset and you need to poo but nothing comes out.....I always imagined a contraction to be high up in my tummy not under my bump, it feels like a belt tightening under my bump. They do get worse with walking but lying down hurts my back so i can't rest grrr.

Again, will keep you posted


Hi guys

Felt a bit better this morning so have checked the forum.

Had a good sleep, no signs really except loads and loads and loads
of braxton all the time really(bump is like a rock), no pattern, not painful.

No show, waters, backache....might be induction after all :shock: but it is
a full moon on Monday and I always get my period on full moons ?

Off to get my hair cut today and then a massage, OH is being moody and withdrawn says he is sick of waiting, he is !!! grrrr...

Oh and my tens machine arrived today, I hired one and it arrived the day after and I didn't have to pay next day extra charge....yay

will keep you posted on any progress
Good Luck Ginny. I really hope you go into labour soon. I was thinking about this last night, and I think it is relaxation that sends people into labour. Like how Jade went into labour when it was the last thing on her mind.

So, when you have your massage today, clear your mind....and breathe deeply....Imagine your cervix opening like a flower....Breathe deep into your groin...

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
And then call the mental hospital to come and get me.

On a serious note, I think relaxation could be the key. :hug:
aww hope bubs comes soon x
enjoy you massage hun will do you the world of good make you feel refreshed and ready for baby x
Ginnymarie said:
OH is being moody and withdrawn says he is sick of waiting, he is !!! grrrr...

HE is sick of waiting?! :x Typical man!!

Like fuffins said, relaxation could be the key. Enjoy your massage, you lucky thing!! :hug:
thanks guys

I will try to relax, induction is not the worse thing in the world at end of day and at least I will meet my baby sometime next week.

happychick, will try and catch up on msm tonight or over the weekend

The first time i was admitted to hospital, there was a woman who came into the same room I was in. She was in to be induced. When they checked her she had already started dialating. She just hadn't known. So, they left her to see if nature took its course :)

Like you said Ginny, induction is not the worse thing in the world. It means that at least you kind of know when you will have bubs and you know your labour will be monitored closely (though I know some people hate the thought of this....I do not mind too much)
Hi Gemma,

Hope you're ok, I bet this last week has seemed like an eternity. It really wont be much longer now and you will be holding your precious little girl. Thinking of you lots, Michelle and April xxx
enjoy your massage and i hope it gets baby moving for you
think i would have punched OH.. they just haven't got a clue :roll: enjoy your massage :hug: xx
you sound alot more positive today Gem! :)

Enjoy your massage and hair cut! You'll be all set to be an even yummier mummy then 8) xx
glad you tens machine arrived its a wonderous machine mine worked a treat this morning. :cheer:

glad your feeling a bit more postive hang on in there girl hopefull it all will be over soon and you will have you bubba in your arms :hug: :hug: :hug:
sarah :wave:
Glad you are feeling better sound much more positive today. :cheer:

:shock: at your OH being moody and sick of waiting!! (typical!)

Not long to go now. :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ginnymarie said:
*******Thanks for you lovely responses everyone. I am feeling a bit better, had some good sleeps and that always helps.

I am now having painful braxtons but again they don't get regular, however, today I had the urge to cook and I just never cook, OH does it all. I have made a huge 4 breast chicken casserole with loads of veg then after I did that I baked a huge tray of flapjack.

The pelvic pressure is immense but the tightenings are very low, all around my groin, going into my hips and bum, they don't feel like period cramps yet but do feel like when I have had a tummy upset and you need to poo but nothing comes out.....I always imagined a contraction to be high up in my tummy not under my bump, it feels like a belt tightening under my bump. They do get worse with walking but lying down hurts my back so i can't rest grrr.

Again, will keep you posted


Your tightenings sound exactly like mine at the moment, feeling that urge to poo but not needing to poo!! As for contractions, ALL my contractions with my other 2 were low down just under my belly almost on my pubic bone, similar feeling to when you are bunged up and not been to loo for few days, just 1000x worse!!! (Lowering the tone again, I'm obsessed with number 2s at mo!)

I'd say keep walking about, sounds like your time could be soon!!!! :D

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