feeling really low tonight :(


New Member
Aug 7, 2012
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hi everyone im new here just needed to talk to people who understand how i feel :-( ive had one mc before naturally at 6 weeks then had my youngest son found out i was pregnant 4 weeks ago and last week has a small bleed so went to A&E they sent me up to the GAU for a internal scan i thought i was 8+5 weeks but all the scan showed was a 7+3 sac and no baby they made me an appointment for another scan which is tomorrow but told me there was little hope and its prob a blighted ovum ive gone from utter dispair to convinced they were wrong back to dispair tomorrow they will want me to pick a way to deal with the mc and i have no idea what i want or what to do :-( ive had no more bleeding and still have all my pregnancy symptoms im still getting positive pregnancy tests and it all just feels like a really cruel joke and to top it off my friend is pregnant and round the same amount as i should be she had a small bleed over the weekend sp went for a scan today and although i was praying she would have better news than me the fact she came away for a lovely little photo of her baby felt like a kick in the stomach to me and i feel horrible xx
Oh honey :hugs:
Sorry you're going through this.
Its such a horrible time honey!! I really hope you get the best news tomorrow!
i know how you feel,
i found out i was pregnant in Jan, but within a few days started bleeding,
on and off, brownish blood and never much.
i kept doing pg tests and they kept coming back positive.
had a scan in Belfast and was told they could see a possible sac, but no hb,
got bloods taken and my progesterone i was told was too low to sustain a baby.
when i was back home got another scan and nothing was seen but still getting positive tests.
was put down as a pregnancy of unknown location, though i now suspect the small sac was expelled at some point with the brownish blood.
my hcg levels remained high for weeks, ended up getting an injection of methotrexate to stop my body thinking i was pregnant.

it is so cruel what life throws at us.
i was very recently pregnant again- currently on mc no 3!!! at least i haven't had it confirmed,
but a fair amount of bleeding, cramping and no pregnancy symptoms. so pretty certain i am miscarrying,

i really hope you have better news but to be honest i put myself through a complete roller coaster of emotions as each pg test said i was and each spot of blood made me think i wasn't,

we can't help torturing ourselves.
hope tomorrow brings you good news, but if not we are here for you.
big hugs. x
Hi all,
I am new to this but felt it might be a good way to get off my chest how I'm feeling.
I fell pregnant last December after coming off the pill in November,I couldn't believe our luck when my partner and I found out mid January.This was to be followed by heartbreak,to find out after I started bleeding mid Feb,I had a scan 5 days later and we were told the devastating news there was no heartbeat.Our baby had stopped developing at 6 weeks.Our worlds fell apart.I miscarried naturally and my periods quickly returned to normal 29 day cycles.
When we felt strong enough and after waiting a month we started trying again.Since then it has been month after month of every emotion under the sun.!!Disapointment,tears and frustration.I just don't understand why it's not happening!! :mad: Is anyone else feeling the same?? I would appreciate your views and advice.Thank-you.x
hi andria maybe if u post ur own thread about what u went through and u could always make a journal is that section as it helped me loads to get over my mcs by just putting it all down from my head,i had 2 mcs ina yr last may and may just gone it took 9 months after forst to get a bfp again and lost that one at 10 weeks now im trying again but each month i get more upset its so hard i know how u feel but our time will come again im sure of that xxx

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