Feeling really fat


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
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Im in work today, wearing one of my usual office type dresses. And it feels so tight! I dont think ive ever felt so fat! My boobs have swollen, usually A cups but they are like 2 water filled balloons, mahoosive!

Does anyone else feel fat? Im only 8 weeks, i didnt think I was supposed to put on weight just yet?
I feel like a walking blob!! Lol...boobs are bigger, none of my jeans fit already!! Living in leggings and long tops at the mo. :) know how u feel, im 10+3 xxx
Wait until you hit tri 2/3, my maternity stuff is tight lol x
I grew out of my work clothes really quickly. At 14 weeks I was totally out of work clothes and had to get maternity stuff. Thankfully my expansion appears to have slowed down since then and maternity stuff I bought at the start still fits :)
Everyone is different hun, some people hardly show at all while others (me included!) show really soon. Embrace the bump! :)
I was all bloat for most of tri1. Eased off in early tri2 for a few weeks to be replaced by bump and bloating with the indigestion! Thank god for maternity clothes...
When there's proper bumpage starting to happen the fat feeling goes away :) x
Yep I feel the same as you! I wear a uniform and my shirt doesn't fit hardly and a bobble between my button on my trousers as they wont fasten and i don't want to get maternity clothes yet. I feel fat and have put weight on. I'm off to slimming world tonight with my mum as they do a pregnancy plan so you don't put too much 'fat' weight on. On the nice side I told my bloke I felt huge and my clothes were getting tight and he said that I looked good and he loved me just the way I was... Probs so I didn't burst into tears!!! Haha.
I've lost weight since I've been pg, and I feel like a huge beached whale. I know I haven't even got any bigger belly because my tightest jeans are still fitting, but because of the bloat etc, my belly just feels 'in the way'. Hopefully we'll feel better once we have a real bump and not just bloat.
I feel huge and fat too, luckily I wear scrubs for work and can just use a bigger size and they're shapeless anyway so hide loads lol
Yesterday I stood on my scales (daily ritual) and I was shocked to see I had put my first pregnancy pound on. I haven't lost but was very sick for the first 17 weeks-I just stayed the same, give or take 2-4lbs a day!

However, I noticed really quickly that my body shape changed. My hips seemed to widen, my cup size went up yet my back size went down a size. I look in the mirror and think I look enormous some days and others I feel Slim. I was a size 12-14 went I got my BFP and have maternity size 14 now.

What the hell goes on in there god only knows! Lol!! Embrace maternity clothes.....I find the jeans are so much comfier than standard ones. I live in leggings and dresses at work and jeans at the weekend. I can see me wearing the maternity jeans for a long time yet!

Everyone is different though so it would appear! Xxx
I've lost weight since I've been pg, and I feel like a huge beached whale. I know I haven't even got any bigger belly because my tightest jeans are still fitting, but because of the bloat etc, my belly just feels 'in the way'. Hopefully we'll feel better once we have a real bump and not just bloat.

I feel the same. The scales put be at 2lb less but I feel fat! X
I dont dare jump on the scales. I have never been one to bother about my weight, I usually eat what I want, have always been a size 10 and happy so I dont bother worrying. I have noticed my butt, belly and especially my lovehandles seem to have got rather large recently. Even my tights seemed tight around my middle today, so I have rolled them down to my thighs (dont worry my dress covers it) so i feel more confortable at work. And as for my boobies, well I had to take my bra off at work yesterday, i used to have a fair bot of room, but now they are so tight they are just too painful!
I feel rubbish and fat. I thought I was 8 weeks and I had gained 7lbs...turns out I am only 6. The new jeans I bought in a bigger size for comfort are tight today!! Hoping its swelling. Thats me off the chocolate and takeaways now though, having healthy meals and fruit and yoghurts with plenty gym and swimming. Don't wanna lose the weight but wanna stop it gaining on my like an avalanche! x

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