feeling really anxious about 12 week scan


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
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I am 11 weeks tomorrow and my symptoms have pretty much gone, apart from weeing lots! Even my belly bloat has got smaller which is scaring me. I was booked in for a private scan last week which they cancelled and instead of rebooking i decided to wait it out to my 12 week nhs one. Has anyone else felt like this? I am terrified of mmc :(
Everyone feels like that honestly don't worry! By near 12 weeks symptoms start to reduce and everyone thinks the worst!

Ur gonna get such an amazing sight when u see this wee baby moving around and heart beating furiously! Xxx
I feel exactly the same. I had a mc earlier this year (6weeks) which has made me even more paranoid! I don't really have pregnancy symptoms except tired and bloated. I felt like this when I was pregnant with my son, convinced myself that they wouldn't find anything at the scan and tell me it was all in my head. He was 100% there and healthy tho. I think it's only natural to worry, try to relax I know it's hard
It's normal hun believe me.

Remember heading towards Tri-2 your hormones are levelling out as the placenta takes over so you won't feel as rough.

Also, your belly may seem to be going down and that's because it was probably just bloat. Your bump will start coming up really soon and you will notice what is belly and what is bump as bump is still there rock hard when you lay down.

I got a Angel-Sounds Jumper Doppler from Amazon for £29 P&P next day delivery which helped me get through the last few days so if you can get one of those I highly recommend them.

Thank you everyone, I am counting down the days now. Luckily this week is going fast. Taken the day off work today as nausea and dizziness has come back! Might do me some good to relax as well.
I have an angelsounds doppler and although I am picking up whooshs and beats, when comparing to my pulse I think it is me? x
Perfectly normal! I used to panic with my ds as some days I felt fantastic then I would get a little reminder to slow down. Symptoms do subside in tri 2 and its probably the most enjoyable out of the 3 as you feel so much better than the previous 12 weeks!
Sure all is well, keep us posted :-)
Thank you everyone, I am counting down the days now. Luckily this week is going fast. Taken the day off work today as nausea and dizziness has come back! Might do me some good to relax as well.
I have an angelsounds doppler and although I am picking up whooshs and beats, when comparing to my pulse I think it is me? x

I found baby's heartbeat on my pubic bone at 11weeks if you can hear the whooshing and your pulse your too far up or far out to the side I would try on your pubic bone & push in a little bit.

I'm 14+5 & baby is now under my belly button xx
Just had another go with doppler and think I may have found it, was just above my hairy mary and was faster than my pulse, I tried to count and got to nearly 140bpm, if not more. Was quite difficult to count. x
Haha that made me laugh!!

Yeah it is pretty fast mine is around 160ish bpm I think..

I find using thick cream or baby oil works better to listen & get some better headphones than the ones they give you!!

I am with you. I had an 8.5 week scan privately and now waiting until mid july for my regular one. Even seeing everything looking ok at the first one I am still knotted with anxiety about it, theres just too much bloomin' negative information out there thats why i decided to join a forum so that can see reassurance and support!
I think it's completely natural to worry. I was really worried about mine which I had at 11+1. I was convinced they would either tell me I had a) MMC, which even now after the scan I still worry about, or b) that I had never been pregnant in the first place!

It's natural to worry and I know it's so much easier said than done, but try not to get stressed or upset with worry. Take each day as it comes and try and look forward to and enjoy your scan. I felt so much better after the scan, seeing our already wriggly baby with a good heart beat, and I've been completely different since - I'm actually letting myself get excited, plan and buy things, instead of worrying all the time!

Good luck and let us all know how you get on x

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