Feeling pretty rough!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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What an awful day!! I got up this morning and felt quite good in general got dressed, etc cause the Sky man was coming to put in Sky Plus however when I ate my breakfast after this I felt so ill and sluggish I just couldnt be bothered to get up off the sofa and the slightest noise was annoying me!! I had quite loose bowels this morning and have been having a good few Braxton Hicks of recent. Also last week I wrote a wee thread about having green discharge and now to be honest I think I may have started to loose my plug, but still not sure! I am still lying on a heap on the sofa jus cannot be bothered at all and kindda thinking could this be the start of things for me???
I lost my plug in one go so no idea what it's like to lose it slowly, I thought off coloured discharge was a sign of infection/thrush? Easily treated/calmed.

How are you feeling now?

ahh hope youre feeling better today! like wobbles said, discoloured discharge may be an infection of some sort. but if its the start of things then thats exciting! hopefully all the feeling crappy will lead somewhere and be well worth it :) x
Thanks girls - feeling slightly better today just really tired as baby kicked so much last night I didint get much sleep at all!! Got my swab results today and all clear so I am now more convinced that was my plug last week but cant be sure. Having a few Braxton Hicks tonight and quite uncomfortable keep thinking ohhh is this it!!!

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