Feeling pretty darn pants.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
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I have kept a bit of a low profile of late, mainly to try and not to think about ttc. It hasn't worked though; just thinking about it all the time. Coming towards the end of this 2ww and October will have seen us trying for almost 15 months.
I just feel like it is never going to happen for us. I dread getting my period, not only because it means we have not been successful but because of the pain, moods & nausea that comes with it. Have not felt like BDing for the last 5 days; i'm just tired of it and ive had that dull ache for the last few days that lets me know that the witch has packed her bag and is on the train up here. And the mood swings, dear heavens they are awful. My poor DH having to put up with them too - they are awful and 'sorry' just doesnt cut it. I say some horrible things.
Having a few more tests done with the GP before they can refer us on. I really did never imagine that it would take so darn long to conceive.
I'm ever hopeful that she gets off the train at the wrong station, but I honestly think she will be here in a day or two.
Im sorry guys, i sound really mopey. I dont expect anyone to respond cos its not one of those posts - i just had to let it out somewhere.
Just wanted to send you some :hugs:
It is hard although I haven't been trying quite as long as you (8 months for me) it is hard every time af comes so I know how you feel. And moan away anytime, that's what were here for! Xx
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Big hugs. Really hope the witch gets off at the wrong station for u this month.

Fx for u hun xxx
fx for you that the witch only bought a one way ticket last time.

Michelle. x
:hugs:Really sucks when you feel like that. The only thing to remember is that the hormones are exactly the same as when you are pregnant up until the day before AF when progesterone drops if its BFN instead of being maintained, so loads of ladies are convinced they are about to see AF when they get BFP.

15 months is rough, but it does still happen.
Sorry your feeling down, i hope you get your BFP soon

Thanks guys.
Well she got me as she always does. Have been looking into herbal remedies to try and regulate the PMS a bit - it takes a week out of my life every month, leaves me exhausted and feeling like i have had an out of body experience. I am a jekyll & hyde thats for sure!

Anyone know about herbal stuff? I believe oil of evening primrose is supposed to be good for menstruation and PMS. My hubby will be buying it by the truckload!

Im expecting a phonecall from the GP tomorrow to let us know our latest results (blood & urine tests and hopefully they have a plan for what happens next.

Cross fingers x

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