feeling orgainised !

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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well how to spend new years day evening , spending money online of cause !

have just done my mothercare order

ordered cot & mattress , changing table , bath support , bath toy tidy ( he got some bath toys for xmas lol ) , swim suit , and nearly the most expensive things 3 baby gates ! yes i did say 3 lol

thats just about everything we need for lil one now all done and paid for !

cant beleive it , now just need to sort this mess of a flat out , make his room looks like a nursery and not just a storage space and done !

( im sounding cocky i bet ive forgot something important lol)

only other biggish thing to buy is a baby swing , still struggling to find one , oh and high chair but gonne get that wit a work bonus i get once baby born !

hows everyone else coming on ? :cheer: :cheer:
im waiting on my grant to get the last few bits :) well i thought last few bits till i read your list :rotfl:
I got the pram at the weekend and ordered the cot, mattress and baby sleeping bag yesterday from mothercare.

Went to the next sale just after xmas and bought a wardrobe of clothes to last her till about 9 months, so sorted all that out into size groups.

Still gotta get little bits like changing mat, cot mobile, cot sheets etc but i moved our bedroom around today to make room for the cot to go up when it comes... i can't wait now :dance: :dance: :dance:

oh, just gotta pack my hosp bag but gotta get some feeding bras to for that. :shock:
Sounds like u have it all under control gem :D :cheer: exciting aint it!
well ill only panic later lmao spec when im skint , got to remember my pays runs out in feb then onto smp and with brians 30th i got to buy early ! altho the stuff weve just brought his mum has paid for which is fab !

dont forget toyrsus have amazing deals on bedding at mo :wink: i got 3 sets all the same ( 1 crib 2 cot) lemon , aqua and white . inc 1 fleece , 1 cellualar , 2 fitted and 2 flanlette sheets for £14.99 per set ! 2 fitted sheets alone are 10.99 !

ive not gone for a super dooper expensive cot tho so hope it will be ok , weve gone for the ashton range ?
Well done!! :cheer: The Nursery furniture is really nice :)

I think I'm more organised then I feel TBH..Got the cot and mattress, moses basket, wardrobe, bath and changing mat, clothes, steriliser..uhh need to get monitors and bouncing chair, pram and car seat have been ordered.. Oh and pack my hospital bag, I attempted to make a list of stuff I need to put in..got as far as nappies, wet wipes and paper pants :lol: then gave up..
Thats the same cot i'm getting gem, don't see the point in getting a dearer one, i just spent a bit more on a decent mattress as thats what counts.
When it arrives you can have loads of fun putting it all up and organising it :D
yeah finished mine, I had a few things left from when I had paige...... but mines done and ready.
and i even slept better last night , stopped dreaming about ordering cots lol
yesterday i got my bath support / bath thingy

and today ive ordered my moby wrap sling :cheer: from america tho so hope its ok :pray:
wow, I wish we were so organised!
This is the first week I have bought anything.... :oops: Got the moses basket yesterday so she does at least have somewhere to sleep if nothing else!! :D
OH doesnt seem to have ANY sense of urgency about shopping either which doesnt help!
clarey said:
OH doesnt seem to have ANY sense of urgency about shopping either which doesnt help!

mine neither, i got 3 weeks left, got such an urge to get EVERYTHING finished, said to him yesterday i need to go into town and get the cot sheets and nursing bra's, he replied 'you can do that next week can't you?' :evil: :evil: :evil: needless to say, i've got the bedding but no bra's yet :roll:
financially ive had to spread things out , im also one for bargain hunting and u cant do that aswell if u do it last minute lol
G3M said:
financially ive had to spread things out , im also one for bargain hunting and u cant do that aswell if u do it last minute lol

i love bargain hunting! i worked out yesterday that ive saved in total £900 sale shopping. :shock:
i got loads of m&s baby clothes in the sale for £1 each that should have been about £15. :D
i desperately desperately want to get organised... but i can't do anything til the building work in our flat is carried out :( we're still waiting for the estimate from the builder, then we'll have to wait for the loss adjustor, then it'll take 2 weeks to get the work done and OH and i will have to move out for at least 3/4 days... :wall: :wall:

and we've still got loads of stuff left to buy (eg crib!), which wouldn't have been a problem before, but now we're not really going to have a flat to put it all in, or at least, not a clean nice ready-for-baby one... :cry:

i'm just hoping trog stays put for a good long time yet!!!

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