Feeling movements already??


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I am only 11+4 weeks, and I am sure that I am starting to feel movement already. Is this too early??

I am sure it is the baby and not wind. When I do have wind it is a different feeling and then I feel the gas moving down my abdomen (sorry if tmi!!). This is definitely a tiny fluttering, right in the middle of my tummy, a couple of inches below my tummy button.

I started feeling movements with ds2 at around 13 weeks, can't remember with ds1, and dd was around 16/17 weeks.

It's so exciting!!

Anyone else feeling anything yet?

Heather x
I think I am but I didnt say anything cos I didnt wanna sound stupid :oops:

I definitely know its not wind, its just tiny little flutters now and again really low down.

I mentioned in my post the other day about using my doppler...sometimes when Im listening to the heartbeat the baby will move away and I'll lose it but then I feel like a bubble somewhere else and when I try the doppler in that area I can hear it again.

Im sure Im just over 11 weeks but wont find out a more accurate date til my scan next Wednesday.

By the way, are you a member of babyworld? I've got a pregnancy diary on there and I noticed your name in the forums :D
x-kirsty-x said:
By the way, are you a member of babyworld? I've got a pregnancy diary on there and I noticed your name in the forums :D

Yes, I am on babyworld. I tend to flit between the two, but don't actually get chance to post much on either!

H x
Oooooooooooo I had that, but wasn't really sure what it was until about 17 weeks. Exciting for you!
If it's not your first then i'd say it's baba :dance:

At least you know what your waiting to feel, i felt this one early and i didn't post because i felt no-one would believe me, mines awake now, again, seems to be a night owl,,,oh no!!!
Blimey, that is early! With it not being your first, it may be bubba, but you also may be further along than you think! Have you had your dates confirmed with a scan yet?
Hello that is so strange for u to say that i have also feelings like that, my b.f. would ask wot i feel and i often say its like a wee flutter every now and then, but the thing is i think im only about 5 or 6 weeks on, i have a doc appointment on the 14 dec <earliest> but i need her help to work out how far im on.

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