feeling like poo


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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i've been feeling so rubbish the last week or so, im thinking about going part time a month earlier as im just so tired all the time, working full time seems to be really taking it outta me, i could do with the full time pay but i fel miserable all the time cos im so tired and icky. got a touch of hayfever at the mo which makes my asthma flare up so thts not helping either.

what should i do? stay for themoney? or take less hours for my health and well sanity to be frank!
i guess you gotta do what feel right.. if you are going part time anyway.. my idea would be to go early maybe cut down half way between if your emplloyer will let? for the month
If the money really helps it might be worth waiting another week and see how you feel, just this week I feel way better - with lots more energy and I thought I never would again. However if you feel it is too much, money is not important and do whatever you feel is best :hug: :hug:
I agree with Ella- if you can try and stick it out for a week or 2- I felt like you and have felt loads better the last week or 2 :hug:
well i spoke to OH and he told me to do what i feel is best, so i'm cutting my hours down by 2 hours each day, finishing at half 3 instead of half four,starting from september. then in october im gona go down to 4 hours a day like planned until i go on mat leave.

My boss aka dad said its fine in fact he thought it was a gd idea instead of having a sudden drop in wages it'll go down in 2 steps so wont b such a shock to the system lol

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