Feeling like Crap


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Hiya Girls,
I'm moaning again i feel really low! I just want this pregnancy over now i don't mean to sound nasty but it's really getting me down. My OH has said that i should talk to my MW because she might suggest something but i don't know what to do. I feel really nasty feeling and talking like this. Does anyone feel the same? Is there anything the MW could do?
Thanks and sorry for moaning again Grace and Bump xx
I think a lot of people feel like that when they get to your stage, you're really big, breathless and probably knackered as well! I think it's clever of Mother Nature to make us so desperate for it to be over, to get us through labour. If you are feeling really unwell, it is probably worth chatting to you MW to make sure everything is ok :hug:
I am feeling the same I asked my midwife yesterday what I can do to evict the baby and she all I can do is sex if im up to it!
Well sex ain't been working for me the past week, OH thinks all his birthdays and christmases have came at once! :lol:
i did it once and it woeked lol or a hot curry, if that dont work at least you have an excuse for takeaway lol
The last thing i need is another take away or i'll soion have to register my arse as a new country!
I am 40+4 and fed up beyond belief. MW been today and tried to do a sweep but my cervix is still closed, not thinned at all, not effaced, which means the contractions I have been having are Braxton Hicks and have done nothing at all towards moving things along.
I have edema (swelling) of ankles and face, BP all over the place and have to rest completely so am going mad with boredom. I cant sleep properly or get comfortable and have nausea on and off.
If I could pay to get this baby out I would!!
lol, all i did was eat takeaways while pg and i will tell ya sumat i am really regretting it now, you can project a film on my ass :shock:
Aw Claire you sound so fed up, no blooming wonder. Hope it all happens soon for you :hug:

Oh i know how you feel littlelady!!
Our parentcraft classes recommended fresh pineapple as well as all those other things.
I think oh is worn out allready! but he started his maternity leave today as he is off till over xmas so he will have plenty of time :D
:lol: Poor man or actually that should be lucky man!!

If he's anything like mine he'll be wondering why the sudden interest! :lol:
my bf wudnt do anything bout 4 weeks before coz he wanted bubba to stay in till 40 weeks, i got what i wanted in the end lol
oh it will be worth the wait you haven't got long to go now. thinking of you :hug:

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