Getting Fed Up!


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2006
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Hi Girlies, (i don't post often)
I don't mean to sound like i'm moaning but i am!! I'm 35 weeks and 4 days and have had enough! Had a few complications along the way with growth scans and itchy skin! Is anyone else feeling the same because i do feel like a nasty prson feeling like this! :(
I am feeling the same as you hun - I now want this baby out and I am fed up of being pregnant. I know this is an amazing experience and a lot of women would cut off their arm to experience it but the pain and the uncomfortableness does get you down. Just keep thinking positively that in a few weeks time it will be over and you will have your precious little one to show for it all!!!!!!!!
Hi Grace - you are not alone!

I am 39+2 today and have spent the morning at the docs and hospital after throwing up quite a lot of blood for the last 2 nights.
I posted an earlier thread moaning about all the symptoms I have been having in the later stages and loads of people identified with the fed up feeling. Its quite normal to be fed up, even though we wouldnt change being pregnant for the world you are allowed to get sick of it!
As long as my son arrives healthy and happy I don't care - its all worth it in the long run.
I find keeping my mind occupied, doing puzzles, reading, anything at all helps to stop me just counting the minutes and praying for a sign of the beginning of labour. It will happen when it happens love a really fed up of waiting me x
claireylou said:
Hi Grace - you are not alone!

I am 39+2 today and have spent the morning at the docs and hospital after throwing up quite a lot of blood for the last 2 nights.
I posted an earlier thread moaning about all the symptoms I have been having in the later stages and loads of people identified with the fed up feeling. Its quite normal to be fed up, even though we wouldnt change being pregnant for the world you are allowed to get sick of it!
As long as my son arrives healthy and happy I don't care - its all worth it in the long run.
I find keeping my mind occupied, doing puzzles, reading, anything at all helps to stop me just counting the minutes and praying for a sign of the beginning of labour. It will happen when it happens love a really fed up of waiting me x

That sounds terrible Claire!!

Did the doctor say what was causing it and if it was normal??? :think:
I know, it really scared me because I had hyperemesis gravidum (chronic vomiting 24/7) from week 9 to about week 22 and had little traces of bright red blood from burst blood vessels from retching. I knew it was nothing serious. The sickness more or less went after wk 22.

But then on Saturday night about 2 in the morning I felt really sick, I thought it might be a sign that labour was on its way. There was a lot of dark red blood at the end of vomiting though, and again last night. Doc says it could be the lining of my stomach being irritated by the "acid burps" I have had for a few weeks. He has given me gaviscon, and I am waiting for the results of a blood test - hopefully they will be back this avo. Fingers crossed all is well :pray:
OO good Luck Claire that doesn't sound nice at all!
I know how you feel I am fed up now I know they say the longer its in the better and i want my baby to be healthy but i just want my body back pain free and able to be comfterble again
thanks for all your replies at least i know i am not alone. My sickness has started again really bad nearly everything i eat i bring back up and my baby hasn't grown in 3 weeks but the hospital don't seem concerned! :shock: I keep getting alot of aches and pains like braxton hicks i suppose, loads of pressure down low and back ache right at the bottom of my spine! I understand the longer they are in there the better it is for them aswell but it seems to be taking forever. Sorry for moaning just having a pants day!

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