Feeling jealous :(

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Does anyone else look in tri 1 at the ladies who are due around the same time we were last year?
I keep seeing people who are due end of October talking about their pregnancies and it's like that was us last year!!
It's so exciting seeing the new October mummies to be but I'll never get that same excitement of the scan's and feeling baby kick no more cos we're not having anymore children! I kinda wish I never wished my pregnancy away although I'm glad Charley's here as I do love him to bits!!
I'm gonna be stalking their pregnancies though to see if anyone has a baby on Charley's 1st birthday :D
Ooooh good thinking I'm gonna stalk too!!!
I sometimes look and think aww I miss my bump but then I remember how painful being pregnant was for me and it soon passes!!
I've just found out my best friend is up The duffer and worked out she conceived around the same time I did last year so she's due roughly the same time A was born :) so exciting!!!
I know what you mean in a way but because we are planning to try again early next year so I'm just enjoying my time off being preg! :lol:
I don't think I'll ever leave this forum cos I'll wanna follow your next pregnancies!! x x
I think I'm more jealous of Most of you trying for another as we're not having anymore either! I'll just have to pretend lol
Once I get past the sickness stage, I love pregnancy and that's what I'll miss and I'll even miss the excitement of giving birth and I think that's why I'm jealous! I couldn't go through the newborn bit again though!
I loved every minute of my last pregnancy and having Devon, now makign the most of every day watching him grow. Think I really appreiciate it more this last time as I know it's my last, so all those on last or not, please treasure every day before it's gone..

Laceys Mum, your so right there, I get less time to come on, but I can't give up on the forum and will be trying to follow the girls - good times X
Afraid not lol. I didn't enjoy my last pregnancy at all and the thought of being in tri 1 again scares me!!
I noticed someone earlier who's due date was the same as mine last year makes me want another But Not yet!! xx
I didn't enjoy being pregnant but I'm still so excited for June so we can TTC our last (ok I am aware I said that about Seb but somethings missing lol) x x it's so exciting seeing those ladies due when we were due though!!!
i wish i had known about this forum when i was pregnant! wasnt much fun being in a foreign country and not talking to other pregnant people if you get me! i dont think i'll ever leave either.. who am i gunna get advice from!!!! :))))
Amy it was so much fun when pregnant (not trying to make you jealous) the girl's were so supportive and such a laugh!
I still go back to our old threads from September/October last year and still read my labour thread! Brings back good memories!! x.
Amy it was so much fun when pregnant (not trying to make you jealous) the girl's were so supportive and such a laugh!
I still go back to our old threads from September/October last year and still read my labour thread! Brings back good memories!! x.

AWWW i wish i had have been a member then!!!! that would have been so nice to have support etc. italy was great i loved it and had a good pregnancy more or less minus some problems (my FIL was my doc!) but i didnt know any pregnant women out there whatsoever!!!!

i was considered a "young mum", at 24! in italy women usually wait until their thirties before TTC! once when LO was 2 weeks old a women stopped me to ask if he was my "little brother" and gave me a lecture when i told her he was my son!!! could have hit her! you ladies would have been GREAT support when that happened!!!!
Awww totally understand this!! Sooo miss being preg Aiden was my first but hopefully have at least one more! I loved being preg feeling baby move, going for appointments, having him all to myself! Aw I could cry when I think about it and I so miss my bump, just can't remember being heavily preg now and what it looked like, very strange because it wasn't that long ago!! X
You know what i'm more gutted about? Being robbed of 3 weeks with him in my belly! I had such a good pregnancy with Drake and him being born at 37 weeks it doesn't feel like i had a long enough pregnancy if you know what i mean?
I haven't felt jealous of anyone on the forum but I do have friends who have either just had babies or announced new pregnancies and have a bit of a tinge of jealousy lol! I suppose it's different for me tho as I do plan on having more children, I can't imagine how I would feel if I didn't think I could have any more!
Hey Lacey's Mummy, i'm due on your son's birthday!


I would love to get advice from you ladies. Its great to get help from people who have been through this not so long ago. I've forgotton so much stuff from when I had my wee girl, coz it was 7 years ago the last time i was pregnant so I feel like a first timer.

I know how you all feel, I was the same after my daughter was born, it seemed impossible that we'd ever have another, and I was jealous of everyone who was pregnant since i've had her - dont know why though.
Yay! I was hoping someone would be due on his birthday! I'll be stalking your pregnancy now! ;)
Yep a little jealous of all the bumps!! Some of my friends due any day and growing bumps...so jealous!!!!! (need to calm it!)
funny how I only remeber all thegood bits of my pregnancy...
Only last week was i thinking it was 12 months ago since i found out i was about 3 weeks pregnant and now my little girl is 4 months old. I just love being a Mummy.

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