feeling ill : (


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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I was really sick earlier on today and even after vomiting still felt so sick I could hardly move. Had to lie down for an hour.

Feeling a bit better now but still not 100%, feel really tired too.
The period pains are now a regular evening thing. Just a constant dull ache that lasts several hours.

I hope I don't have too many weeks to go, I'm fed up with the period pain already, I don't remember getting it everyday with James, just on the day labour started :(

Anyone else getting similar symptoms? It's like being in ttc again, all this symptom spotting! :lol:
Havent had any sickness, but the tiredness......yes so tired I can hardly stand, horrible isnt it.

Just wanna give you :hug:
sory your not feeling well
cant give advice as ive not been there yet
i can just send virtual hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope you feel better soon hunny :hug:
I'm 36 weeks and 3 days, and i've been having period pains the last week, wasnt sure whether this was normal or not. So i'm taking it is if your getting them too
:hug: Sorry your feeling poorly :hug:

Hope you feel better soon hun
aww loadsa hugs babe :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

really hope muppetdaddy is looking after you!

I felt really sick earlier too, OH had to put me to bed, I got stuck on the sofa :lol: The last few weeks are really crappy, sometimes I feel like drawing a big smile on my face with a marker pen as I really cant be assed to smile for real very much :lol:
Hope you're feeling better soon and the period pains settle down :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor you :hug:

Those pains sound not-so-clever. Have you tried having a bath or a hot water bottle? Feels weird to be talking about period-type pains after 8 months without a period :rotfl:

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Thanks girls :hug: :hug: Might have a bath later.

I was meaning to ask as well, has anyone else found there boobs are getting sore again in third tri?
My nipples have been killing the past couple days! :shock:
yep I have sore BB's AGAIN :evil: They started last week, really painful and hot to touch....and are growing :roll: just like 1st tri all over again!!
Have some :hug: :hug: :hug:

I haven't had the sickness (thank goodness!), but have had the period pains and to be honest I can't really remember having them last time either :think: but I'm sorry to say it hun but I've had them for the last couple of weeks, really hope it's not the same for you :hug:

I have also had sore boobs again the last few days just like before af is due.

Really hope you are feeling better soon, it's pants at this stage of pregnancy without feeling ill on top :hug:
Aww hope you do feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have had the period cramps on an evening and nausea too (although not actually vomited). It is odd, you are right that it feels like TTC again with the symptom spotting.
Hopefully the bath will help you, not too long to go now! :hug:
yes yes and double yes

i had terrible nausea yesterday, no vomiting tho thank god, i ate through it.

very sore boobs ! very sore nipples


period like cramp EVERY night, same as you and we are not far off in dates.

you have my sympathies, it comes and goes so hopefully it won't be too long for us, we have been through this together as we were both vomiting in the first tri....hasn' time flownx
I'm not feeling so sick today, woke up with the usual dull ache in my lower abdomen though.

I hope you don't have to wait too long Ginny :hug: :hug:
Aw was just gonna ask how you're feeling today...i'm still a bit crampy...as for bbs, i had a little sneaky twiddle and pump last night to try and get things going (know i shouldn't) but i got a drop of colostrum out of each, now they're sore!!! I was quite pleased...now i'm thinking maybe i shouldn't have?? :think:
Let us know if your pains get worse :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm going to scrub my kitchen and bathroom this afternoon, they're the only 2 rooms in the house that aren't upside down as a result of the decorating. It's making me feel down living in a tip, can't walk anywhere without banging my bump on something! :lol:

I must admit I find it hard not to experiment with the hand expresing. It's great fun squirting :oops: :rotfl:
Glad your feeling a bit better i too have been having period pains but im not holding out much hope of it being a sign.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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