Feeling guilty..


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2011
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When i went to GP last week to comfirm pregnancy he told me basically i had to stop my pain meds (mentioned this briefly in another post)

His words were "as little as possible non if you can manage it"

Ive tried so hard over the past week to not take them but tonight ive actually just had some, i cant bear the pain or sleepless nights anymore espec with dealing with a demon 6yr old a hormonal 11yr old 2 demented dogs and a new job!

Now i feel so so guilty wonder what/if damage im doing to this pregnancy, i really hope i get a MW app soon maybe they can suggest something, ive tried paracetamol, they dont work also had low dose co~codamol they dont work either,

Dont know how im gonna get through next 8 months im beating myself up between obviously wanting a healthy bub but the need to be pain free is winning atm

Am i a bad person? I dont deserve this pregnancy :(
Oh hun ur not a bad person and of course you deserve this pregnancy.
You did so well not taking them everyday this week... ur gp said to cut or TRY to take none at all... wel you did cut down. If taking one set of meds was seriously going to damage the baby, the gp would have given u a big lecture on the effects of the tablets on an unborn.
I can see where ur coming from when the pain gets too much. In not suffering from anything serious but I have been having horrendous headaches, so bad Im almost climbing the walls. When paracetemol does nothing, I do get flashes of thoughts where the pain takes over and I just want to knock back any and every pain med I can lay my hand on!
Please dont feel bad hun. Did your gp advise if there is anything else they could prescribe you ?
Don't feel so bad, sounds like your trying your best to cope with as fewer meds as possible. You cant help being in pain you might find you can get away with just taking meds now and then when your desperate. I would say if you try to take each week as it comes and not think of the full 8 months ahead of you. Each trimester is different so the fewer meds you can cope with during tri 1 while baby is doing most of its developing the better, and your half way through tri 1 already! As you get into tri 2 your med needs might change plus your midwife will have seen you to best advise. Just do what you can now to get through. Some peoples medical problems often change with pregnancy too so you might be lucky and have improvements later on. And you always hear these stories of women having healthy babies who didn't even know they were pregnant and did all sorts to their bodies!
Thanks ladies youve eased my mind a little bit, im actually on 50mg Tramadol 1/2 x3 daily which i have been on for a few yrs now (been through ever other pain relief going nothing works :( )

Ive managed to cut it down to pretty much zero in the space of a week, ive had 1 on the odd night when its too much,

Gp asked me if there was anything else i could take when i said nothing that works he didnt suggest (or in fact say) anything!

I am managing to have non during day tho which is hard cos my new job is sales assistant in a clothes shop so stood up for hours on end usually leaves me in agony but ive dealt with it, its the sleepless nights that're doing me in xxx
please, please everyone be careful with paractomol. I know it is the one they recommend as safe to take, but my Mum has a good friend (who incidentaly is a MW) who miscarried at 12 weeks as a direct cause of overuse of Paracetomol. It is very rare it causes problems i know, just better safe than sorry!

OP, hope you find something that works. What is the pain relief actually for?
please, please everyone be careful with paractomol. I know it is the one they recommend as safe to take, but my Mum has a good friend (who incidentaly is a MW) who miscarried at 12 weeks as a direct cause of overuse of Paracetomol. It is very rare it causes problems i know, just better safe than sorry!

OP, hope you find something that works. What is the pain relief actually for?

I have back problems due to 2 previous epidurals also a leg condition called "meralgia paresthetica" and carpel tunnel syndrome, need shaking up and starting again i think xx

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