Feeling guilty and impatient


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I want my baby NOW!!!!! I can't wait a moment longer. I feel guilty as it's still a little early but I just want her out so I can start getting on with things in my life again.
Feeling EXACTLY the same!! Im all set to go! And getting stressed with things, just want my baby now!

I did say to OH at lunch that the weeks are going quicker when I look back on them, so hopefully the rest will!

I keep thinking 2 weeks to full term...but can't bare to think it could be up to SEVEN weeks!!! :shock:
yep ive been like this for weeks :cry:

its all gonna be so worth it though girls!!

hopefully time will fy by and in no time at all, we will have our bambinos!!!xx
i already lay in bed and know i will miss the closeness we have :(

But in the same breath i want her out so i can meet her!!
:hug: I felt the exact same way at 35 weeks. I felt awful for wishing her to come out so early.
I really cant say much if someone told me I could have her tomorrow I would! Its not that I dont enjoy the pregnancy thing but I just really really want to see her and give her the hugest cuddle!
I've got just under 7 weeks to go and I want my girls out.
I really want to skip the labour part and just have them in my arms, at home :)
The days are dragging so much now and I'm in such a bad mood I'm worried it's going to rub off on baby. I'm desperate to move house also because of my noisy neighbours but can't put it on the market until she is here so just in this limbo at the moment. Getting no sleep at night is really not helping my mood. I'm not driving either so just stuck in this house all day with no one to talk to and having to listen to my neighbours all day :cry: .
dont wish your time away, i did this and regratted it imensly :(
I know I should be enjoying this last little bit of time but we were ttc for over 3 years and it's just been such a long wait to have this baby that this last few weeks is like torture. I just want her here so I know she is safe and ok and so we can start life as a family. Don't think it helps that everyone around me is a bit on edge :wall: . Everytime DH leaves the house he says he has his phone on him and is ringing me every time he has a break at work to check I haven't gone into labour early :lol: .
I know i shouldn't wish my time away but im just so excited to hold the little guy, sit him in his pram give him a billion hugs and what not, i know i will also miss those little movements and the communication we have together...

I guess its kinda like christmas, its my favourite holiday and every year i count down the days and then when its all over i feel sad.

Its just too exciting!!


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