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Feeling down


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2006
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I am all over the place today
still no BFP still no AF 4 days late now and I have this bad feeling about not getting a BFP due to the fact I didn't last time and then miscarried.
Maybe I don't produce enough hormones to carry. :(
I am really weepy and moody and have been for the last few days. I feel unable to cope at all with even the smallest of tasks.
Why don't I test +?
sorry for the rant I just feel really down and scared, I don't really have anyone to talk to about this cuz I haven't told anyone I am late incase I MC again
Awww hun,

I am so sorry you are feeling so low!

I know it's eaiser said than done, but try not to let everything get on top of you and take it one thing at a time and one day at a time.

I hope you feel better very soon! :hug: xx
Thanks Hun
My moods are so up and down and it's so frustrating not getting a bfp when I know I am pregnant. I know my dates and my body is like clockwork. I just know that this is going to end the same way the last pregnancy did and all I can do is sit and wait for the worst. :(

and I won't get any help because the doctors are rubbish if you say well no i didn't test positive and I was not very late, just a few weeks.
I know they think I am neurotic.

it's worse sometimes because i come on here and read of ppl getting their BFP before they are even late ( I am happy for them, I truely am) but I feel like my body is playing tricks on me.

I have gone from being elated that I am late to very sad and scared in the space of 4 days.
I can't keep loosing them. This is pregnancy 3 in as many yrs second this yr. I can't keep doing this to myself.
I lost one the day after i buried my mum. I named her hope.
Aww hun :hug:

I'm really sorry to hear you lost your mum x

You must be so frustrated I feel for you so much.

I've just experienced my 4th early MC & every day seems like a fight while I stick my head up in the air & do my darn hardest to carry on with every day life & hold on to the little hope I have left. We will get our little family one day.

How long have you been stressing? Stress may be the cause for your late AF although I do hope for you that you are pregnant & you go on to have a happy healthy pregnancy.

Funny you should mention your hormone levels possiblily not being suggnificant to carry I am now at the stage of being 99% certain I lack in this area for some reason & will fight to have this checked out, I'm just awaiting one more blood test result.

3 MCs - Have you now been referred to investigate? If you haven't demand it!!

Its hard being in the same sort of situation & emotional state as you yet I find myself stuck for words or blubbering myself - I'm doing the second one at the moment :(

Let us know how you get on won't you x
I only really been stressed today. I did another test and nothing. Seems like there are just not enough good things in there to show up and if they won't show then they won't hold baby in there for long
Its not uncommon for a pregnant woman to test negative as early on as you may be.

I think it was Layla who said she didn't get a positive with her wee boy until she was 5 or 6 weeks.

If you don't get a positive hun don't tear yourself apart it could be stress related & you don't have to pull your hair out to have stress! I'm sure the last while has put an awful strain on you even if you don't know it x
hugs wobbles
I am feeling much less stressed having talked with you hun. now to get rid of this sickly feeling and headache lol
Nothing like a good headache! :wall:

Nice to get thing soff your chest I'm glad you feel a little better. Always helps to talk. I find talking to people who can relate to my feelings are strangers who don't know me but know what I'm going through helps!

If that makes sense as its late lol :oops:

I am so sorry to hear about your mum, I too lost my Mum very recently!

Also I am so sorry to hear about your losses, this is obviously a really worrying time for you.

My sister didn't get her BFP until she was 5 weeks pregnant - that happened with 2 of her pregnancies! So keep that head up hun :wink:

I do hope things work out for you, but I agree with Wobbles, if you continue to have heartache with pregnancies hun, you should demand investigations from the medical field - it is not fair for you to keeo going through this, it is not good for concieving or for your mental health!

I have my fingers crossed for you hun & really hope this is a happy ending for you! :pray: :hug: xx
Hi hun I'm hoping for you. I'm over a week late now and still failing to test strongly. I hoep you get your BFP soon. :hug: xxx
thats why I love this place you always make me feel better no matter what :) I love you girlies.
I am much less stressed and I know really I can only wait and I shouldn't even be stressing til I am over a full week late and not getting a positive.
I am not going to test again until after the weekend then I will be over the week late. If nothing shows up I am going to shout at my doctor (i can always put it down to hormones after lol)
It occured to me that my mum didn't have this stress she never home tested in her life she just knew she was or wasn't because she listened to her body and then waited a bit then went to the doctor. She managed to raise 5 out of 11 pregnancies which is not a great rate. So if not this time then next and one day I am bound to get lucky and have a sticky one lol

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