Feeling down - bit of baby blues?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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I dont what it is today, but I am feeling really low - I found it really difficult when OH went to work to be left here. Emms is still asleep bless her. I am going back to work in a month (part-time) and I think I am ready for it. I tend to keep quite active with stuff to do and seeing people but just find it hard to be at home. I never thought I would say that! I was so happy to have some time off and it has been really good for me and I am so happy to be a mum - Emms is my world - so what's wrong with me?

Emms is such a happy baby and people love her when they meet her - I am just finding it hard sometimes. Is there anyone else like me or am I being selfish and ungrateful? :oops:
:hug: I know what you mean.
I tend to get "that Sunday feeling" at the end of every weekend. It's not that I don't like being with LO, just the thought of getting back to the same routine everyday during the weekdays when DH is away at work. :hug:
I was like this yesterday. I just cried most of the day for no reason. I think it's coz everything is left to me to do. Breakfast, dinner, tea, nappy changes. I just get annoyed when he can go out anytime and i'm left at home! Then rings me asking what's for dinner. But he works so hard 6 days a week to keep a roof over our heads so is forgiven. Gets a bit much sometimes being a mummy.
I'm totally the opposite i don't wanna go out! I spend most of my days in bed :oops: can't seem to find the energy to go out.. just think whats the point. Am happy in my bed. lol.

:hug: :hug: to you hope your feeling better :hug: :hug: xx
LisaJ1986 said:
I was like this yesterday. I just cried most of the day for no reason. I think it's coz everything is left to me to do. Breakfast, dinner, tea, nappy changes. I just get annoyed when he can go out anytime and i'm left at home! Then rings me asking what's for dinner. Gets a bit much sometimes being a mummy.

Sounds like my house, cant rmbr the last time OH cooked dinner, I can count on one hand the bottles that hes fed Corey in the last 6weeks. He didnt even come with me to A&E when I took corey a few weeks ago, and was admited for 3 days.

Have you spoken to your HV about it!?? That might be a good place to start, best to nip anything in the bud before it progresses hun! :hug:
I think it is natural to have the odd day feeling like this- there doesn't have to be a reason. I'm in agreement with HertsMummy- speak to your HV and maybe keep a track of your good and bad days then you can see if it's a regular ocurrence or only once in a while that you feel low. Look after yourself :hug: :hug:

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