feeling dizzy

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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Hi girls

Over last few days I feel really dizzy with need to sit down. I also feel very tired and lazy, also quite sad but no reason for it! I get out of puff really easy and heart races then I feel dizzy again. Anyone else like this? Im 21 weeks surely too early for tri 3 symptoms?
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I used to get dizzy a lot too, but I've always had very low blood pressure which doesn't help. Are you drinking lots of water? x
I get dizzy quite alot too, but I'm anaemic and on iron tablets. Mention it to your midwife, might be worth getting your blood count checked to see if your iron is low.
The constant tiredness is a pain. Hope you have a bit more energy soon.

i used to feel dizzy till i got iron tablets and b12 of my doc i feel much better now x
I'm not even in tri 2 yet (nearly) and I've been dizzy from day one so think you can get it anytime, my blood pressure is low though.
My midwife next appointment is not for another 5 weeks so maybe I'll go see the doc and get my blood pressure checked. They may check my iron levels too? At least I know its not just me lol
My midwife next appointment is not for another 5 weeks so maybe I'll go see the doc and get my blood pressure checked. They may check my iron levels too? At least I know its not just me lol
Hi Trace,

Yeah contact your doc as similar to what i was feeling was advised could be anemia, ---low iron -- dehydration -- just symptoms -- low bloodpressure. All can be treated and doc should be able to tell have you had your results from all your bloods yet as all the above can be ok one week then too low the next-

sorry you are feeling like this though!


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