Feeling devastated that I may have to give up

Brilliant news that you've had some good feeds today. Well done on being determind and keeping going but if you do end up going down a ff route or combination route, please don't beat yourself up, you've given him the very best start
Aw hun :hug:

Don't know what to suggest over everyone else.

Just to say I'd be feeling the same as you. Xxxx
i know how you feel hun, i wanted to ebf but i guess it just wasnt to be, if i had a choice id have not given up and been ebf the whole time but ive made peace with combi feeding and as long as lo is happy and thriving im happy. i couldnt have given up completely tho so i will totally keep feeding from me at least 3 times a day and theres no reason why you shouldnt keep doing it. i hope he gets his op soon but never forget you have done brilliantly so far and should be proud of yourself!
Do not feel bad for a situation you could not of prevented. I went through exactly the same and thankfully i have been able to provide my milk but its demanding, IMO more demanding or time consuming at least than ebf.

Some tips for upping your supply, Lots of water at least 3litres per day, lots of oats, my diet is mainly porridge, flapjacks and hobnobs and anything that has oats in it lol. You can take fenugreek 6 tablets a day and i was prescribed tablets from the doctor (he was pretty reluctant to give me them at first though) so far its working and ive only resorted to formula for a couple of feeds through the 4month growth spurt.

I just felt frustrated that i had milk but issac couldnt get it himself

Big Hugs xxx
Just thought, you are best off expressing about 30mins after a feed, this should make your body think it needs to provide for another feed, its almost impossible to get anything out straight after a feed for me.

also you could try feeding LO off one boob and expressing from the other ? x
My supply has dropped completely. When I express even after an hour after last feed I get nothing and it just hurts my nipples so much. I even woke up ridiculously early to express and still nothing. I do feel devastated but Joshua needs milk. So I've had to make the hard decision to turn to formula. I know I've done my best but I can't let him go hungry and get so frustrated the way he does at the moment. I have nothing against formula feeding. I just wish his tongue tie was noticed earlier. Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. I feel guilty that I'm giving up...I'm not normally a quiter as I'm very stubborn lol. But I'm unbelievably stressed out and I know that's not good for me and josh. Once again, thank you. :cry: Let's hope feeding times will be easier on us both from now on.xx

May try combi feeding but not sure how well I'll get on with it.x
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Get some fenugreek and try, if it doesn't work no biggie! You obviously feel passionate about trying. If it doesn't work there's bound to be someone on here who will buy the rest of your tablets off you.

You've done so well to get this far :hugs:

i have half a bottle of fenugreek you can have if you pm me your address i will post them to you :)
Keep trying with the pump, use fenugreek, eat oaty foods and drink lots. After his tongue tie is sorted it's possible for you to be able to bf again.

But if it doesn't work, don't feel bad. You've done well. Xxx
I cant really think of anything to suggest that everyone else hasnt already, but i would just maybe suggest you try talking to ur health visitor, they must have come across this. Good luck xx :)
I have fenugreek capsules. I'll try to take them and eat oaty foods. Maybe an excuse to get my pinny out and do some baking. :-) I'm trying to offer boob as often as possible as I know he is better and getting my milk supply up. But will keep trying the pump too. I've just fed with boob and he seems satisfied? He is fast asleep now. I just don't want him to go hungry. He never really cries except when I know he is due a feed? So surely he must be ok? I'll have hubby on hand to make up some formula if boob doesn't seem to satisfy him.xx
I just remembered that some ppl cannot express but its no way a reflection on their milk supply. I can only express as i have a double pump working one boob gets me no where i need both breasts stimulated to allow a let down.

Is,he content and alert whilst awake? Ur doing a fab job for him! I always remember Issac was very twisty but this was because he was never fully satisfied x

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