feeling crap and throwing up


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2011
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felt a bit iffy yesterday had some toast in morning then nothing till about 9 last night when i thought id better have a sandwich but didnt feel like it at all, was really hot and uncomfortable

got up at 6 this morning feeling rough oh brought me a coffe and i brought it straight back up!!

he feels ok as do my kids so do you think its baby ?? my blood pressure was up yesterday ive had my show, baby is really active and very low

but god do i feel crap xx
Maybe it's a sign labour is starting...I heard feeling rough was a sign things could be starting? Maybe try and get some rest and see if things progress for you :)
ive just been on the web to see if it is sign and some say yes as its bodies way of clearing out x also had bit of shits yesterday x just dont feel right today am gonna get some rest when kids go to school x x
hi hun,i feel awfull too,havnt felt right 4 a couple of days now and only been gettin up to sort the kids out (packed lunches and stuff) then been crawling back into bed.its like the early days of mornin sickness have returned or something.cant go back to bed today tho coz mw is comin out 2 c me and no idea what time.i dont remember feelin like this at the end with the others xxx
yeah just like morning sickness and i didnt with my other two x x not a happy bunny today x x

ask you mw if its a sign that baby may be here soon x x
I read somewhere that sickness can be made worse by hormone surges? So it could possibly be that as well? Hope you're feeling better soon, there's nothing worse than sickness and feeling generally rough!
Very possible that it's a pre labour clearout ;)
ive got mummy coming round with some soup bless her x x x

hope i keep it down x x
How r u feeling now babe? I've had to force feed myself again today, not been sick but I've felt sick since yesterday..
hiya,how u feeling now hun did u enjoy ya mums soup? i have had the worst day ever..felt so sick and havnt been able 2 stay off the loo (tmi) i kno...sorry and the midwife didnt show she's comin 2mora instead,im glad really coz i really havnt wanted to see anyone today,im starvin now but scared to eat.hope im not feelin like this till the day i have him!! a few people on this thread have said it could be our bodies havin the clearout gettin ready 4 birth and i really hope their right and we go into labour over next few days eh xxx
The race is on lol!! I think there's a fair few of us due in the next two weeks!!
lol yea were all close now....wonder which one of us will go first?? im really gettin nervous now xxx
yeah mums soup did the trick and i fell to sleep after for a few hours x x did a boring meat and veg dinner last night which i had bit of and felt better for eating.

hoping i stay feeling good now x x
good morning,im really glad the soup worked...thankgod for mums eh! i feel fine thismorning after not much sleep might i add thanks to baby bouncin his head off my pelvis allnight..kept makin me jump,i really thought the head must be engagin this has never happened with the others tho untill iv actualy been in labour and the mw did finally turn up lastnight after cancellin,she said his head was just sittin on the brim lastnight so maybe durin the night its engaged..i dont kno but them feelings were very strong and strange.xxx
lol there the strangest feelings in the world, i dont know if hes poking my bladder or my foof, but feel he is really far down, MW gave a smile when she said he was very low, am taking this as hes on his way x x

ive been more or less chillin at home this week due to feeling ill so im off out today, got my horses to sort out and a trip to the tip with my son, so maybe will start me off x x
it is a very weird feelin...i actually thought something was comin out down below at one point.strange tickly feelin lol.xxx
yeah and then you tense up as if to stop it escaping lol
kept picturin a hand reaching out tryin to shake hands with me pmsl....it must be all the sensitive nerves down there.its doin it alot thismorning,come on babies!!! we want to meet u xxx
I'm getting intense pressure today too!! Looks like we are all getting the same symptoms lol!!
Glad ur feeling better babe!xx
I'm feeling good after my Spanish chicken last night :)
I went to my first antenatal and she said d& v were signs of labour as the body clears you out. Think it might be only time I might not mind being sick! Sounds like you could be on the home straight! Best Wishes xxxx

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