feeling crap and swollen ankle?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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hi girls, wasnt here yesterday because i had the day off work sick, this weekend i have done nothing but sleep, i never EVER sleep in the day but slept Sat afternoon, Sunday afternoon and loads yesterday! came back to work today and feeling soooo hot, dizzy and sick!!!!

anyway, went food shopping Friday and my feet were killing me! got home and noticed my left ankle was really swollen, you couldnt see my ankle bone!!! told mum about this she said to keep on eye on it as it can be dangerous?!? :roll: i thought it was just normal in pregnancy??
Swelling can be pretty common. Keeping cool and putting your feet up should help, but if it gets worse or you notice swelling elsewhere like hands and/or face speak to your MW/GP :hug:
if you get swelling with headache or blurred vision you must contact your midwife or hospital as soon as possible hun as it could be the start of pre eclampcia but just swelling due to the hot weather is quite normal
mary70 said:
if you get swelling with headache or blurred vision you must contact your midwife or hospital as soon as possible hun as it could be the start of pre eclampcia but just swelling due to the hot weather is quite normal

I have got a headache today and had it a bit yesterday but i didnt have it Friday when i had the swelling!
My mw said to me if I get a headache and it doesn't go when I take a paracetamol then to ring her.
Swollen ankles are normal in pregnancy, mine have been quite bad lately. But as you have a headache it might be best to phone your M/W. Its probably nothing to worry about but its best to be on the safe side :hug: :hug:

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