Feeling Baby Move


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Hi everyone

I am starting to get worried as I am almost 20 weeks and still don't think I have felt my baby move. Has anyone else not felt movements at this stage?
dont worry everyone is diffrent try a few pillows behind your head and then just lay down touch your stomach softly or poke ya stomach and just keep your eye on your belly...Have you felt any butterflys yet??
Yeah dont worry you sould start feeling movement in the next couple of weeks!! You may have a placenta that is sitting at the front and therfore wont feel movement as much- Think JJ mum has this and am sure she will be able to give you any infor/reassurance.
Thanks girls. I haven't really felt anything yet to be honest. I dont know if it is because I have been really busy recently, moved house last week and was away on holiday for a fortnight before that, and so preoccupied by other things. I am trying not to get too worried but it's really difficult! Have my next scan a week tommorrow so hoping that will give me some reassurance.
its common for most woman to have placentain front of the baby wait till the baby does start kicking and you feel it esp when its the ribs ouch is all i can say,but you may be lucky and he or she may be nice to you lol.But if your relle worried ring your midwife in the morring and tell her how you feel etc and im sure she will say simler to what we have said lol if that make sense keep me updated hun when is your lil one due? x
Don't worry - sometimes it can be way over 20 weeks before something is felt! All depends on where the baby is lying x
I'm only just startig to get proper movement so wouldn't worry at all, I didn't get much at 20 weeks either x
I felt little flutters and stuff early on about 16 weeks then noticed them more but then again i was looking for them and found it hard to figure out what was what... Just try sitting quiet after you have eaten, mine always does a number after I've eaten my dinner etc. Kicks get stronger as your weeks go by some of mine are making me jump lol.

I was worried though too like you not feeling it as it went quiet for days, so i got my midwife and doctors at hospital to let me listen to the heart beat. that eased my mind. sucks thought having to go hospital every two weeks.... hope you feel your little one soon x
im only just starting to feel flutters now but at my 20 weeks scan they said my placenta was high therefore is why im not feeling much so try not to worry, im sure you are fine hun. its worrying when you see everyone at the same stage as you and they are getting big kicks then we have nothing but can be totally normal. hope that makes you feel a little better xx
Don't worry Kizzy, all will be lnormal and fine - like Shooty Star remebered (well done u!) I have a front placenta and I do seem to have most times looking back at notes! and didn't feel anything till after 20 week scan , even then they were tiny tickles for 2 weeks, then like a finger was poking me lightly from the inside. then from 25/26 weeks proper kicks and seeing movement from outside.

All my other 3 babies were 22 weeks plus for any movement. don't worry once it starts your off!
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I felt 1st born from about 15weeks, my second child I didnt feel anything til about 22 weeks. I had a scan at 21weeks and they said that the baby was very active, yet I felt nothing....then a few days later she kicked all the time day & nite!
Thanks for the advice everyone!

I am trying not to get too concerned. Guess its just a waiting game. I'm going to make a point lying down quietley every day and see if I can start to feel anything. I have my 20 week scan on Tue so hopefully that will reassure me that everything is ok!
Thanks for the advice everyone!

I am trying not to get too concerned. Guess its just a waiting game. I'm going to make a point lying down quietley every day and see if I can start to feel anything. I have my 20 week scan on Tue so hopefully that will reassure me that everything is ok!

here is something i have worked out after a nice warm bath i keep my head supported and lay down at the same time i put my ds on my stomach and one lil tune relle seems to make the baby jump trying puttin somethin warm not hot just warm over your belly button and see if u get any movement try a hot water bottle

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