Feeling a tad sad :(


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I'm sat here planning Arianna's 2nd Birthday Party :cry:

Can't beleive she is going to be 2yrs old!!

Anyone else get upset at their babies growing up. Don't get me wrong I am so proud of how she is growing up into a gorgeous, polite little girl - I just want my baby back!!
Right with you.

And Willow isn't even ten months yet!
But now she's crawling, sitting up...she isn't a snuggly little newborn any more, and she's getting bored with mummy already.... sometimes you'd swear she was rolling her eyes at me :lol:

the other day she was in her high chair, and I don't know, all of a sudden she loked like a child as opposed to a baby, IYKWIM? And I'm so proud of her, I love watching her develop new skills, but at the same time, it makes me sad in a nostalgic kind of way

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm sure it'll be a lovely birthday and even if you do cry, its only happy memories flooding back, I think we can all relate to our babies growing up :shock: :cry: very best wishes :hug:
I so know how you feel.

I feel so sad sometimes. The other day I lay in bed and cried 'cos I love her so much at this age, she's so much fun and I don't want her to get any bigger, yet I love watching her grow and develop.

I'll just need to have another!

Valentine Xxx
i *think* i know what u mean, JUST about... but only a little bit coz i just find the older millie gets the more exciting it is (and not that it wasnt before!) i kind of feel a bit nostalgic that shes gettin all independant and doesnt always want me and my cuddles anymore- she can be happy as larry without me and she can show some proper anger towards me- which is great that she can cope without me but its kinda nice feeling so adored- i do still feel loved by her but not obsessively adored like she used to! but on the whole im lovin it as she reaches milestones i cant wait for her birthday. :D
Sarah :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

valentine said:
I so know how you feel.

I feel so sad sometimes. The other day I lay in bed and cried 'cos I love her so much at this age, she's so much fun and I don't want her to get any bigger, yet I love watching her grow and develop.

I'll just need to have another!

Valentine Xxx

This is exactly how I feel! :hug:
I know what you mean! when stephen turned 2 i cried that morning because i knew i couldnt turn him back to being a baby again - i know il be the same with Imogen.

But im enjoying watching her reach her milestones, and how shes developing into a little lady. But i long for that newborn smell and holding her in my arms without her trying to wiggle away!!!!
Thank god I am not alone - Brian thinks I am being silly :roll:

I love the fact everyday she is doing something new and saying so many new words, but I just miss my little babba.
SarahH said:
Thank god I am not alone - Brian thinks I am being silly :roll:

So does DH although every year for the past 8 years I felt sadder and sadder that my princess is growing up... shes becoming a teenager now... :cry: And I still see her as my little girl... I'm going to suffer some severe empty nest syndrome.. :rotfl:
oh goodness I know - Lydia is going to be three this year.
THREE - I can't believe it.

She looked about 5 yesterday (she had her hair done up and stuff) and I felt so proud of her but sooooo sad that she's getting so big so fast.

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