Feeling a bit negative!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
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i am due to test around the 24th af due on 26/27th i am sure i am out this month so much so i have just invested in ovulation sticks and a thermometer, not going to miss the next egg. no signs of af but i knew i was pregnant with my little boy almost stright away sore(.)(.) bloated ect ect.

i know we have not been trying that long but when i caught with my little boy i came off the pill and two weeks later i had a positive pregnancy test. I just thought it would be exactly the same again.

sorry about the rant

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aww hun dont worry it takes some please years to catch and an ararage fertile couple upto a year have you tried temping? x
how long after bd did you know with your other child??? im sure it will happen for you x
have you had a couple of glasses of wine evie :) your spelling is nearly as bad as mine lol.

no the next month will be my first time of trying this i know my dh will think i am mad.
how long after bd did you know with your other child??? im sure it will happen for you x

Well i never expected it to happen so soon with my first as i never had any breakthough bleeding after stopping taking my pill

and was waiting for that so tested after 12 days of stopping my pill as i had sore boobs and bloating and got a bfp
yes im on my second bottle hahahaha :rotfl: please was ment to be people :rotfl:

reading throough this 2x's lol
I know exactly how you feel...

My AF is due on 24th January, but I don't want to test early incase I don't get the BFP lol I don't think this is my month neither, as haven't had any symptoms as of yet lol

Good Luck next month if this aint your month

oh so it can happen then i stopped pill in sepetember and not had af yet still waiting but we are bding just in case we can catch the first egg
yeah it can definatly happen wish it had happened to me this time ohh well xx fingers crossed you are pregnant hun have you tested??
i tested just before christmas but im unsure when to test as i dont know when will be to early or not did your cycle carry on being the same after the pill as when you was on the pill??
I have never really been off the pill been on it since i was 16

Came off at 20 caught pregnant with 1st little boy

back on the pill for 3.5 year

stopped taking 6th Dec af 30 lasted 4 days

fingers crossed for BFP this month don't feel good though

so never really had a proper cycle as such .

fingers crossed for you hunni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 x x x x x xx :yay: we all need bfp :)
Good luck girls , keep trying hope you get your BFP's- JJ

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