Feeling a bit low the last few days


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Hello Ladies

Not been on here the last few days. Just been feeling a bit....flat :( and teary.

Cant really put my finger on why i am feeling this way. I had noticed all the signs this month that i was ovulating (felt the cramp and even spotted ewcm :dance: ) and made a point of bdancing every 2nd day and i know that i dont test until Monday, but i think i know already that i am not going to get my bfp this month.

I dont have any syptoms at all other that the kind of syptoms i would get before af due.....snappy, irritable, craving chocolate 24/7!!

Please dont think i am out for sympathy (well, maybe just a tinsy bit :fib: ) as i know a lot of you on here have been ttc for a very long time and this is only month 2 for me. But i am 33, Hubby is 38 and there has been so much in the news just now, about how much harder it is ttc, the older you get blah blah. I already feel like i have left it too long to try for no 2.

Sorry to go on ladies. It has took me a long time to get over things that affected me emotionally after my ds was born. I had bad pnd and a week before my ds 1st christmas and birthday, my younger brother committed suicide.

I just get scared sometimes that i have left it too late and its not going to happen
Hiya Hun - to start have one of these :hug:

I know how your feel, me and hubbie are both 37, we did conceive early in the year unfortunately it ended in M/C, but we still trying and hopefully get another BFP real soon!

Good luck hun and dont worry too much about things :D

Take care,

Kate xx
A :hug: for you too Kate.

Feeling a bit better now after a trip to the shop for chocolate lol!!

Where are you in your cycle? I have got till monday until i test
Aww darling dont feel down, It is hard, I understand what ya mean about other members TTC for longer then some of us but it don't mean that us that haven't been trying as long cant and wont get upset... we are on an emotional journey each our little own travel but all together.... its mad cause one week your up and then next your down...

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Send me a PM if you want to chat darling, you know Im just here if you need me!!!
Thank-you so much!! :hug:

That is what i love about this forum.....you can post something about how you are feeling and there is always someone to make you realise that it is normal and you are not a freak!!

Just browsing on here the last few hours has cheered me up so much! Im :D now......a big gooey chocolate covered smile :rotfl:

Anyone want my last rolo?
Do you love me enough to give me your last rolo like???? now thats commitment :lol:

Dont worry about we ALL have that feeling and like you say there is always someone to give ya a hug pick you back up and make you realise why we put ourselves throu it all!! it will be worth it in the end darling I promise!!!
Of course i do!! Here you go :-

Aww wow even my OH wouldn't do that for me!!!

thanks sweetie you just made my night :)

and it tastes lush *nom nom nom*
big hugs it is so hard ttc but we are all here to support eachother and we will all get our bfps and share in the joy when it happens xx

thanks rusks, its nice to share the lows as well as the highs

Mummy-D it doesn't matter how long you have been TTC you still feel down sometimes, you've just got to hold in there and think "It will happen when it is meant to happen" (It keeps me sane anyway) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Mummy-D hello :wave:

Everyone is right but most of us do know how you feel!!!! And sympathise!!!!! :hug: :hug:
I am 38 and my hubby is 40 he has a son of 11 but we have no little beans yet! :pray:
We did fall pregnant in March but it was not meant to be and I m/c :(
I am quite a bit over weight which doesnot help and have been trying since about April 05 SEEMS LIKE FOREVER!!!

We are all here and I have found everyone just amazingly supportive so thank you all!! :clap:

My AF due on tues and I am feeling very sick, have large veins in my boobs and have had pain in my left side!!! Why are the symptoms so similar??? I know its a bit early to poas and I must resist!! Enough of my waffling need to get back to work :doh:

Fingers crossed for everyone and lots of babydust xxx :pray:
Hi Pinky

i am also overweight and know that it wont be helping, although thankfully, my cycles seems to be spot on 28 days. I have been feeling quite queasy today too! :pray:

Am also at work, so better get some work done!!

Chat soon and some baby dust for you too!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: Awwww Hun, I just want to give you some hugs! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope we all get our sticky BFP's soon !
We should make a picket line and stand with our banners shouting :-


Come on everyone join in!!
Dont give up hope, i didnt have any symptoms when i fell with this one, if i hadnt have tested i wouldnt have guessed it at all, you have plenty of time yet, we went through 14 long months, it takes time but you will get there, its not over until the witch turns up, if at all :hug:

al be there at the front of the picket line with ya's all xxx
Hi there, i know exactly how you feel hun. I'm 36 and OH is 27 and we are on our 15th cycle of TTC now. I split with DD (so called) father when she was 3 months old and I had to bring her up alone. I never met anyone else who i thought was worthy enough to have kids with until i met Allan early last year. We had a scare and I thought i was PG after a month of being together and i was worried it was too soon, we both were. When the test was negative i felt a bit disappointed and he said he felt the same strangely enough and we decided a little later to TTC. However, 15 months later of temping, monitors and every other device, lotions, potions you name it and we're still not PG. DD is 10 now and I conceived her within 2 months of coming off the pill way back then when i was younger, now i feel i have left it all too late and its never going to happen. Sometimes i feel like giving up... that even if i was PG now i wouldnt give birth until i was 37. I know people have kids at all ages but i feel old enough as it is without being the oldest mum in the playground. :(
big hugs to all who are feeling down and despondant but come on lets be positive :dance:

alltogether now "AUNT FLO GOT TO GO, AUNT FLO GOT TO GO"

SEE IT WORKS!!making me feel better all ready :clap:

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