After my scan yesterday and being told about the placenta praevia, i feel at a loss.
I have a scan booked for 36 weeks, which seems so long away and my next anti-natal appointment isn't until i am 31 weeks because my midwife has messed up, i should of been seen at 28 weeks!
I just feel like i don't know what to do for the best. Do i need to rest more? I have been told that if i bleed again i must go straight to hospital where i will be admitted for 3 days and if i keep bleeding i will have to stay in for the rest of the pregnancy or they will have to get baby out.
Midwife at hospital also said to bring my suitcase when i come for the scan cause it would be unlikely i would be allowed to go home. She explained the danger of me going into labour and bleeding to death!
I know that it could move as most do, but when the sonographer said she didn't think it would she looked pretty serious!
I am feeling so confused about it all and to be honest i don't think much of my community midwife. I have this aching pain right at the bottom of my bump too, and i don't know if its just my uterus stretching or something to do with the placenta!
I have a scan booked for 36 weeks, which seems so long away and my next anti-natal appointment isn't until i am 31 weeks because my midwife has messed up, i should of been seen at 28 weeks!
I just feel like i don't know what to do for the best. Do i need to rest more? I have been told that if i bleed again i must go straight to hospital where i will be admitted for 3 days and if i keep bleeding i will have to stay in for the rest of the pregnancy or they will have to get baby out.
Midwife at hospital also said to bring my suitcase when i come for the scan cause it would be unlikely i would be allowed to go home. She explained the danger of me going into labour and bleeding to death!
I know that it could move as most do, but when the sonographer said she didn't think it would she looked pretty serious!
I am feeling so confused about it all and to be honest i don't think much of my community midwife. I have this aching pain right at the bottom of my bump too, and i don't know if its just my uterus stretching or something to do with the placenta!