I had the second anomaly scan yesterday, and the good news is that the placenta praevia is only marginal so I'm not at any great risk of bleeding and I don't have to be on strict bed rest Also, babies ventricles haven't enlarged since the last scan and are under the limits for ventriculomegaly so that doesn't need monitoring until later on
Unfortunately, the placenta is anterior, over my old c-section scars and embedded into the muscle. The new section will have to be done with an up/down incision over my belly button (not that my midriff has seen daylight recently but ) and there's a high chance they'll need to do a hysterectomy if the placenta continues to go through the muscle.
And after all that, she still couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. Next scan in 6 weeks
Tracy xx
Unfortunately, the placenta is anterior, over my old c-section scars and embedded into the muscle. The new section will have to be done with an up/down incision over my belly button (not that my midriff has seen daylight recently but ) and there's a high chance they'll need to do a hysterectomy if the placenta continues to go through the muscle.
And after all that, she still couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. Next scan in 6 weeks
Tracy xx