feeling a bit anxious


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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sorry about this but i think i just need to be told to get a grip!!

I got the date for my scan on friday. I should be excited now, but I am totally convincing myself that something has gone wrong.

I have been reading books and stuff on the internet, and I am convinced there is no baby there. My boobs aren't particularly sore any more, and I haven't had any twinges for a while.

my only symptoms are being unbelievably tired and feeling queasy quite often - but i have a blocked ear so I was thinking that could be causing my queasiness.

And then I got my weekly email from babycentre that tells you what is happening each week, and it said I should be able to feel my uterus above my pubic bone, but I can't feel anything and neither can DH.

He says if it reassures me we can have a private scan before the other one, but I don't know if that would be daft - if everything is ok it will be pointless, and I would rather have a private one later on as you don't normally get a second one on the nhs.

Am I making any sense? Is it normal to feel like this? I am wearing myself out here by constantly thinking about it!!

Thanks for reading
I know how you feel. I went to my GP after my BFP and he just gave me some information and told me to phone the hospital to book an appt. He says that if you've done a home preg test that he doesn't need to do anything to confirm it. So I booked the appt and for many weeks I have been feeling anxious and thought how stupid I would look if I got there and I wasn't pregnant after all. :oops: Here you only book your first appt after 10 weeks where they will do a scan and you see the midwife on the same day. As I was away at 10 weeks I booked the appt for last friday when I would be 11+2. When I went for the scan I was feeling very anxious but when the ultrasonographer told me there was a heart beat I felt so relieved :) I then saw the midwives for the 1st time and they took bloods etc. My next scan is at 20 weeks.

As for feeling the uterus, I couldn't, so I wouldn't be too concerned if you can't. My only symptoms were feeling nauseous and having mild stomach pains.

I'm surprised that you only get 1 scan. We get 2 here - one at 10 weeks or so and 1 at 20 weeks. I was thinking of getting a private one done at about 16 weeks. Maybe you could ask for a scan a bit earlier if you are anxious, but really I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure everything is ok. :hug:
Hi lovely,

I just wanted to reassure you that what you are feeling is completly normal. I think everyone goes through this to an extent. I found this post of mine from before my first scan last January.

Obviously I can't tell you everything will be fine, but its not really that long until your NHS scan so paying privately now might be a bit of a waste of money. I would, however, recommend keeping the money and paying for a 21 week scan, which is what we did (and I can give you name of a good place in Edinburgh city centre) as you can see so much more then, it's a magical experience! However I know you need to do what is right for you, so if an early detector scan will set your mind at rest, then go for it!

This is not uncommon hon. I found it much easier when I took it one day at a time and thought, well nothing has gone wrong so far and I'm a day further on than yesterday - that really really helped. I did feel like I held my breath until about 13 weeks though and again until 20+ weeks when began to feel the baby move regularly.

Valentine Xxx
kmac hun you are not on your own :hug: :hug: :hug: most people have the same fears especially as their 1st scan approaches
im feeling similar now i had a dream last night that when i seen the consultant there was only 1 baby instead of 2 :( so its obviously playing on my mind
as for being able to feel your uterus i asked midwife about this as i couldnt understand why i could feel mine so early (8 weeks) but its because i am having twins she said if i was only having 1 she would expect to just about feel it at 12 weeks so dont worry about that hun :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx
i'm sure it's at 12 weeks you feel the uterus past the pelvic bone and i think you'd have to be trained to feel it right now, i know i can't feel mine and we are both at the same stage so i wouldn't worry, aparently according to my baby books from now untill week 15 the symptoms are ment to be dieing down so thats mabe why your not feeling the symptoms as much? i'm still a bit queesy and my boobs are sore but that's about it except the moodyness (aparently hehe) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls :hug: :hug:
Your replies have reassured me quite a bit.
Valentine - I think I would like the name of the place you got your scan please. I'll get one later on I think. Also can you tell me who ran the classes you went to again? Thanks x
Aww sweetie, don't worry. I am sure all is going to be well :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww hun :hug:
I was exactly the same leading up to my scan. I thought they were going to tell me there was no baby and it had all been a big mistake or that i'd lost the baby. My symptoms also disappeared, in fact I didn't even feel pregnant! I'm sure everything is fine and you will get lots of new symptoms in 2nd tri!
hope this helps, try not to worry and look forward to your scan, its an amazing experience! :hug:
I felt exactly the same as you did, mainly becuase of my previous pregnancy ending in miscarriage. I was so anxious in the run up to the scan and on the day itself I didn't know what to do with myself.

Then when we went into the room and she put the gel and scanner onto my tummy I was so scared there'd be nothing there. She quickly saw a baby and told me "there's definitely a baby there" but I still didn't dare breathe until I saw baby wave its arm.

It is completely normal to worry, I'm still a little bit worried about it all now - I'm seeing my MW this afternoon and I'm worried she won't find a heartbeat - silly really but not something that you can control.

Try not to worry too much and if you feel a scan would help reassure you then its not a waste.
Sure things are fine, l can see why you are worried,.. l am still a little anxious and l am around 5 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. I have had a miscarriage before and it plays on your mind and its always worse around the first few weeks of pregnancy i find. I shouldnt worry that you cant feel your uterus above your pubic bone,..at the end of the day, everyone is different and i wouldnt read too much into books and stuff (im a fine one to talk as l own a few books!). If you really are concerned, speak to your midwife or doctor- thats what they are there for. Feeling tired and queasy is a good sign that things are fine too. Hope l have helped a little.
thanks girls :hug: :hug:
I'm trying to think positively from now on.....
and you have helped reassure me that how i am feeling is 'normal'
Yes I agree, all normal hun :hug:

I feel hardley anythign this time compared to Oli, except im showing more quicker.

Lots of women have hardely anything until 12weeks +
All pregnancies are different :hug:

Hope your ok hun :hug:
I was completely convinced that they weren't going to see a baby in there at the first scan. I didn't tell OH because I knew that would get him worrying too. I told him after the scan and he couldn't believe that I really thought there wasn't going to be anything in there. Every single Mum/pregnant woman I know has said the same thing. I am sure it is as common as moning sickness and bumps :hug:

Good luck for this friday, I hope you have a lovely scan :hug:
thanks again girls :hug: :hug:
Mildly - wish scan was this friday but it's not til 24th :(
kmac said:
Mildly - wish scan was this friday but it's not til 24th :(

:doh: Sorry pregnancy is making my brain stupid :oops: I hope the time passes quickly and that the 24th arrives soon :hug:

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