Feelin fed up...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Sorry for this thread but a bit of rant and vent needed.

Fed up with my work. All my appointments I either need to make up the time or use my holiday. I will be speaking to one of the big bosses on Monday as I know this is against my rights. I think it's because they have never had a pregnant woman working there before.

On top of that I've just felt crap all day. Thought all my symptoms were going but they have come back with a vengeance. Boobs so sore and feel huge. No bras fit me anymore so had to go out and buy some. About 50 bras later and I finally find some. Now i just feel fat and horrible. Where is this glow?

On top of that I get home and DH has a go cos I come straight on here. So I've just sat and explained to home how I'm feeling and promptly burst in tears. I know I haven't been a barrel of laughs since getting pg and tbh I wish I was enjoying it rather then feeling crap. He understands I know he doesn't mean anything by it.

Just so so so tired! :yawn::-(

Sorry again. :-(
Looks like it's a bad day for everyone today! If you have someone to speak to at work, do it. Take a print out from direct gov with you to back your point up. Hope you feel better soon!
aw hun you poor thing. def speak to work... my company only legally give you what u are entitled to and I get a full days pay for any ante natal appointments providing I only take "reasonable" time off. So I either go in a couple of hours late, leave a couple of hours early or clock out for a bit during the day. Whichever way, i get paid in full for the day.
Although they only do this for your first baby xxx
That's bad hun, they shouldn't be asking you to make up time. Hope you're ok.x
Thank you all. I have something to cheer me up a little... Pepperoni pizza! Smells lush! Mmmmm!!! :)
make sure you let them know YOU know what your rights are x x x

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