feel vulnerable

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Does anyone else feel this way?
I don't often go out places like shops alone or anything, i'm normally with my OH or friends.

I just popped out to the local newsagents tonight. First I used the cash machine outside then i went in to get some chocolate and I found i was really nervous and scared about the people around me. The area i live in isn't the best but it's not too bad and i know my fear was illogical. I was gripping so hard onto my purse and turning my belly away from everyone in the shop.

I guess i just feel protective over my LO,
anyone else feel like this or am i just strange?
I am sneaking in here from 2nd tri and even though I arnt showing yet I am really protective already....to the point where I run through any place that I feel could be unsafe like alleys or quite areas. Before I would never ever worry but now I am thinking to myself "Hurt me but don't even think about hurting my child" Its quiet strange but then I have the same feeling when I am with my OH and we walk past anywhere intimidating I guess its just a love thing. :D
Yup, as my pregnancy has progressed, particularly in 3rd tri I have felt more vulnerable. I suppose it is because I feel less able to move about quickly and odd aches and pains mean I have to stop what I am doing...even in the middle of a shopping centre. I get a bit concerned thiking 'what if the pain doesn't go away? How will I get home?' etc.
I am ok if I am not too far from home. But I have stopped venturing out anywhere too far on my own. It is now time to rest...shopping can wait.
I suppose the bigger my belly has got the more vulnerable I've felt to the point where I walk around thinking "no one touch me or I will snap your arms off!" :rotfl:
im even more protective as i get bigger if some idiot pushes past me in thew shopping center it takes all my might not to scream at them i usually just glare and point to my obvious bump.

and im very careful round the kids at work and there all aware not to run at me or climb on me

we mummies to be are very very protective of my little unborn bubba

its nautral it shows what a good mummy your going to be Suzie
:hug: :hug:
I know what you mean, I'm aware that I'm more defenseless now due to not being able to move as fast, and if someone hurts me they could hurt the baby too.
I'm much more likely to shout at people now if they bump into me.
I agree that it's maternal instinct kicking in :D

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