Feel terrible


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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One of my friends has had her baby but wasn't due till the 27th dec. I'm so torn between feeling happy for her and almost resentful that I'm still bloody pregnant. I feel so bad that I can't share her joy 100%, but I really have had enough now, everyone around me seems to be having their babies and I'm getting nothing :(
Sorry, I think I'm just on a bit of a downer but it's nice I can be honest on here :)
Hang in there Becky, your little baby will come very soon and be totally ready to come out then, I totally understand you must feel torn, it's natural your past due date to feel pants. Just think your little baby wants to come out nearer xmas for you to make it even more exciting and special X
Aw big hugs hun! Firstly, don't feel guilty for feeling a tad upset it's natural to feel like that especially as you've gone past d-day. My cousin had her baby recently and was 5 days early and I felt exactly how u are!! I think the time of year doesn't help either...we all want our babies before Christmas! X
Cheers girlies :)
I think I just need to chill out but it's so hard, it's all I can think about!
Awww...I know how you feel. A friend of mine was due the day before me and has gone into labour and I've got labour envy!!

SKR's right - we all just want our babies before Christmas - added pressure!!
:hugs: I think it's only natural to think like that, but baby will be here sooner rather than later...

Come on babys! We're waiting!!

I'm feeling remarkably not fed up, but am having to make myself relax - I've got until Monday and then talk of induction and non-home births begins in earnest. I've got the feeling I'll be turning up for my appointment at the hospital and not going home until baby has been evicted. In the spirit of not wanting intervention and being totally natural I've refused a sweep for now, but have one booked for Thursday. Hoping things start before then but still not really getting any signs, although my back is starting to niggle a bit more and have had some cramping (but it's been constant and I've put it down to baby engaging, not that I have any idea really). Also, bump is feeling really HEAVY.

Today I've got plans to bounce, eat pineapple, sniff clary sage, walk ...

Really hope that things happen for you soon x
I'm having a sweep thursday too indigo, but if it doesn't work then I'll be booked in for induction on the 21st. I have a feeling this baby is hoping to follow in her cousin's footsteps and be born christmas day!
I probably wouldn't care so much if I hadn't worked so hard to get my homebirth approved :S
I've got everything crossed for you!
You too hun! You never know, we might be back online tomorrow morning both with babies in arms :p Lol!
Hey girls I had a midwife appointment this morning not with my usual midwife as she's on holiday this week so saw another midwife from the clinic. She was great! So chatty and made me feel so comfortable. I felt I didn't have to keep asking her questions as I would with my midwife, and she explained everything in detail. Anyway, I'm only 40 + 1 day but asked if I could have a sweep today (otherwise I would have to wait until next Thursday) and she was so nice about it. There was a student there too but I didn't mind this at all. She attempted the sweep but my cervix was too high so couldn't do it properly. I was a little disappointed but glad she had a go anyway. If I don't go into labour before next Monday then they will try another sweep. I'm up for trying anything at the moment, really want this baby before Christmas.
At least she tried to give you a sweep. I've got mw tomorrow and going to ask if I can have one next week instead of waiting till Boxing Day!

It all depends on who you see - let's hope I get lucky!
I think it's completely understandable to feel frustrated when you are past your due dates and others who are due later go into labour. Sending you lots of labour :dust: and hoping you all get to meet your little ones very soon xx
Frustrated is an understatement Hun! The weird thing is I never thought I would get this stressed if I went over my due date and thought I would stay calm and enjoy the extra few days of lie ins etc!

As I was leaving the clinic this morning I bumped into one of the girls from my antenatal classes and she was there for her 10 day checkup with her new baby girl. She went into labour 10 days early! Shocking!
Bloody Queue Jumpers! Lol

I must admit I do get a lil resentful seeing people have their babys before me, When I was at the hospital last night i was talking to a woman in the waiting room who is due chrsitmas eve, and was in because she thought her waters had broken..

And before I had left the hospital, she had given birth. She must have shot the damn thing out like a bullet!

Not fair! Lol
Aww that's just not fair at all Kat!
I text my friend earlier to say congrats etc, but I just can't show that much interest right now, it's too frustrating. It's a good job she's so knackered and obviously busy with baby so she won't notice lol.
Well something that is a double edged sword ladies. My friend was due 25th Jan but she delivered over the weekend. Baby and mum is fine but baby is in SCBU and so mum is having a hard time because she can't hold baby.

I am a little jealous but not being able to hold baby is more than enough to put me off.

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