Feel SO sick :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Just a bit of a moan really.
I've been in bed since before 10pm but can't get comfortable and can't sleep.
I feel like I need to either throw up or have a runny poop - neither of which are happening when I go to the loo.

I just feel so miserable and want to cry :( I've no idea what's causing this but it effing sucks!!

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:hug: I am in a similar situation... Not fun at all :(
Well I've just totally exploded from both ends! Seriously not fun!
I've never boked as violently in all my life, I think my husband is still in shock!!
And I somehow, by some miracle, managed to aim both explosions down the loo!!

Feeling a wee bit better now so hopefully I can get some sleep.

Hope u feel better soon too. Its really not fun sitting up wishing for something to happen so u can get some rest :( *hugs* xx

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Thanks ladies. Feel much better this morning.
How r u feeling today Hope? X

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Hey, glad you are feeling better, I think me and oh picked a virus yet again... So besides my nausea, bloating etc now I am full of a cold.... That. Would be the 4 time during this pregnancy :roll:
I managed close to no sleep last night, I hope you managed to rest a little :hug:
Yikes Jayjay that sounds nasty! And that's some skill aiming Both down the loo lol.

Glad you feel a bit better today.

Hope - get well soon!
Aww sounds awful :hugs: glad to hear ur feeling a bit better this morning jayjay

Hope it sounds like u need to be wrapped up in cotton wool and not let out the house! Feel better soon :hugs: xx
I had this last week - woke up needing the loo which is very unlike me and what followed was not a pretty sight!!! I felt like I needed to be sick, but it never came. I had really bad tummy cramps too. Went back to bed and woke up fine next morning!

Glad you're feeling better!
And Get well soon Hope!! x
Ooo nasty! Poor you.. Glad you're feeling better today xx
Yikes :hugs: I hope you all feel better soon, sucks being ill especially on a day off, I manage to time all illnesses on days off or annual leave......grr!x
Gosh, sounds horrible!!! I hope you continue to feel better, nothing worse than that at the best of times never mind when pregnant!!! xxx
Aw. :( Glad you're feeling better now. I've had this for three nights in a row now, and went to the ER the first night because I threw up blood. But they say it's nothing... yet every time I throw up there is a quarter or two size of blood. And it's the heart burn that causes me to puke. it's so weird and uncomfortable. I hate it. :(

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