Feel so sad


New Member
Jan 20, 2006
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I only found this site last week and was enjoying the other sections and avoiding this one, felt like tempting fate!

Ive just had a medical miscarriage today after a scan yesterday revealed my beans had no heartbeat.
I opted for the three tablets inserted to bring on the miscarriage. I cant believe the amount of pain, even though Im taking two types of painkillers.
Worse still, my hubbie is away in France and cant get home til tomorow night.

I feel so sad and alone. I realise thats sometimes things arent meant to be, but it doesnt stop these overwelming feelings.

This is such a hateful thing to happen to anyone isnt it?

awwww hun i am sending u loads of hugs it must be worse with your OH away n having to go through it alone - if u ever need to tlk pm me.
oohh thats so unfair I hope the time goes quick until your OH comes home until then we're all here for you. I know this won't help but nature knows when things shouldn't be. I hope that it goes as quickly as poss and that you can start looking forward.

Love and hugs

Im so so sorry for your loss and hope that hubby is home soon so you can grieve together. I cant imagine how you must feel but please take care of yourself and I hope the pain isnt too bad.


Hi Elliesmee,

So so sorry to hear your news. No-one can say anything to make you feel better.. wish we could take away the pain. I know how you feel... my OH was away the day I was admitted to hospital last Aug when I miscarried. I opted to go home and let nature take its course - I had only my dog and cats to comfort me as all my friends and family lived hours away. OH came back the next day though.

Please don't suffer alone.. try to get someone with you as it is a very sad time and you need some tlc.

As others have already said.. we are here for you if you need us.

take care
Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Elliesmee,
I am really sorry for what has happened, and do know how you feel. I went through such a mixture of emotions and it is such a difficult time. I really feel for you being on your own at the moment but I bet your OH feels a lot worse not being able to be with you.
Please take care. I'm thinking about you.

It must be awful going through this on your own. If its any consolation we are all here to support you and if you need to chat then this is a great place to start.

L x
Hi Elliesmee,
You must be distraught. What a terrible thing for you to have to go through. It's my worst nightmare at the moment.
My thoughts are with you,
Hi Elliesmee.. how are you?

Is your hubby home yet? I hope the pain is not too unbearable and that you are being comforted by him or family...

thinking of you at this awful time

Thankyou everyone for your kind words.

Your messages have made me feel that I wasnt alone, and Im very grateful to all of you.

My hubby is back, thank goodness, so we are able to go through this together.

Is it normal to still have loads of pain for several days after misscarriage?

Thanks Ellie

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