Feel so ill :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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I woke up at 5am for a wee, and can't get back to sleep.

When I first woke, I felt fine. Then I got back into bed and after about 15mins, I started to feel really sick, like I needed to throw up.

I'm not sure what's caused it tbh. It could be the heat (my apartment is like a sauna even in December) or maybe the steak I had yesterday was dodgy? Or maybe its a touch of sun stroke as I was in the sun for 5hrs yesterday doing a car boot sale.

Either way, I'm now lying on my sofa in just a vest and pants with the window open feeling mega rough and ever so slightly sorry for myself :(

Any advice? X

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Maybe you're dehydrated? Try and get some water down you! Hope you feel better soon.
Try and have something to eat as well :) I was up at that time too :(
So sorry you are feeling so rough hun. It prob is a touch of sunstroke from the boot sale and your warm flat. You need to try and lower your core body temp, keep your clothes to a minimum to allow you to sweat, stay in a cool place and drink cold water. If you're still feeling unwell then try a cool shower but be careful you don't cool yourself down too quick as you'll a) feel worst and b) not sure it's good for baby.

I would suggest that you don't eat too much unless you're really hungry as it'll raise your temp as you burn the food off.

Keep yourself well hydrated and stay out of the sun today.

Hope you feel better soon xx
Oh poor you, I was like this the other morning, I blame the heat, but my heartburn was quite bad too which was making me feel sick, I think its hard to get comfy as it is in this weather let alone with a bump as well. Good advice above, try and get cool! x :)

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Hope you feel better soon - I've had a few nights where I've been sick during the night and just put it down to morning sickness - but it sounds like the heat and sun are definitely a contribution x
Awww hun, poor you.

Make sure you stay out of the sun today, drink plenty and maybe a cool flannel on the ack of your neck will help?

Hope you feel better soon

Awwww Hun hope your feeling better now? This heat is awful for us all. Drink some ice cold water xx
Hope you're feeling better? Could be the sun? I've felt like this Sat and Sun after spending a few outside, although both times happened after I got indoors and felt better after a nights sleep??

Make sure to keep hydrated and hopefully it will pass?

defo sounds like repercussions of yesterday hun...
Perfect excuse to eat icelollies and keep cool and out the sun xxx
Sorry your not feeling well sweetie. I agree with the others that it sounds like you have had too much sun. Try and keep cool today and keep well hydrated. Maybe try and get some sleep in a bit too. Hope your feeling a bit better.
Hope ur feeling a bit better now jayjay xxx
Not got any further advice to add, but hope you feel better soon!
Oh bless you hun, First Baby's advice is spot on!!

I was feeling like this on Friday at work so went home early and slept it off.... it returned yesterday, so around 4.30pm I stripped off completely, snuggled up to hubby (needed comfort) and slept! Woke up at 6.30 feeling better.

Strange thing is I feel nauseous but hungry at the same time.... how does that work!? xx

Hope it passes for you soon hun....xx
Aww ur all so lovely, I had a wee nap on the sofa and feelin a wee bit better now.
Gonna stay out of the sun today and get plenty of water down me (not to mention some ice lollies!!)

Thanks so much for all the advice girls! Xx

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Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better now. Defo keep the intake of ice lollies up, you deserve it :) xx
Glad your feeling a little better. I'm hiding in my room today with two fans! Just seen the weather on tv and it's changing thank the lord!! X
Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better Jayjay! xx

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