My HV told me that many mums notice a change in their babies at 4 months. She said their growth can slow down. Isaac has 4 9oz bottles a day but he doesn't always drain every bottle and sometimes he only drinks 5oz and he's had enough.
I think your bubby looks perfect and definately not skinny. I would double check his weight again because they do make mistakes. Isaac's record book is full of tipex because my dozy HV can't talk and plot Isaacs weight at the same time.!
My HV told me that many mums notice a change in their babies at 4 months. She said their growth can slow down. Isaac has 4 9oz bottles a day but he doesn't always drain every bottle and sometimes he only drinks 5oz and he's had enough.
I think your bubby looks perfect and definately not skinny. I would double check his weight again because they do make mistakes. Isaac's record book is full of tipex because my dozy HV can't talk and plot Isaacs weight at the same time.!