feel so guilty


My HV told me that many mums notice a change in their babies at 4 months. She said their growth can slow down. Isaac has 4 9oz bottles a day but he doesn't always drain every bottle and sometimes he only drinks 5oz and he's had enough.

I think your bubby looks perfect and definately not skinny. I would double check his weight again because they do make mistakes. Isaac's record book is full of tipex because my dozy HV can't talk and plot Isaacs weight at the same time.!

Lou :)
aww layla dont worry matthew isnt on any solids yet and has dropped from the 75th to 50th percentile ( he is now on sma white from today as he is waking up in the night again :wall: ) but they seem happy with him and he still has chubby cheeks and legs!! Coby looks lovely and healthy i think their weight just levels out a bit just because we had big babies doesnt mean that they should always be big
Layla you can put formula in with his veggies aswell, this is what I do with ella's vegs, that way you know he is getting that bit extra milk.

He does not look skinny atall, he looks very healthy and happy:-)
layla said:
he goes 4 hours between feeds, somtimes 3, depends on how he is feeling i guess.

Well Layla, if he is not asking more than every 4 hours, you cannot have starved him lol :)

Thomas is on the bottle now and he still drinks every 2 to 3 hours :lol: He hardly finishes his bottle of 6 oz, that is why i do not make them any bigger but we are still at 5 to 6 bottles a day. My H/V told me he should wait every 4 to 5 hours between feeds, he does not so I still feed him on demand!!!

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