feel so guilty


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Hi guys,

I feel so bad today, just got Coby weighed, hes dropped from the 75th line to the 25th :(

the health visitor asked what i was feeding him, so i told her he has 4 6 oz bottles and 1 meal at lunch. she said i need to be giving him more than 1 meal and to start him on dinner or breakfast too.

I thought a couple of weeks ago that he seemed hungry, but didnt want to put him on another meal coz i thought he was maybe a bit to youg for 2 lots of soilds.

wish i had trusted my gut feelings now tho, coz his weight has dropped so much and i feel terrible, i have basicly been starving him coz deep down i was worried about that stupid 6 month rule :(

dont beat yourself up hun! he will soon put it all back on again. I did the same with adele she didnt have her first solid till she was 9 months i thought having solids would be to much for her because she was so prem and she would only take maybe 8 oz of milk. Just follow your heart hun mothers always right.

take care hun :)
Milk contains more fat than the food that you are giving him, so why is the health visitor telling you to give him food?!?!

What sort of foods are you giving? If it's pureed veg then milk is going to help him gain more weight than introducing another meal.
Layla you can't be sure that even with 2 more meals he'd be on the same centile. It's very normal for a baby's weight to go up and down.

Brody hit the 75th, then lost too, maybe he was never really meant to stay that centile, and had a really good week where he gained loads, then lost it again to go back to his "intended" weight.

It's not your fault you didn't give him more food, if you'd have listened to HV advice from the word go I doubt you'd have givin him ANY solids yet.
Why don't you up his ounces of milk rather than give him an extra meal if you're not sure, Jack has 5 9oz bottles in a day and 1 meal (which i am going to up to 2)

At least you know now, has he dropped alot?

Don't worry about it hun
im putting his milk up to 7oz now, aswell as giving him an extra meal, which will make 2 meals a day.

if i give him to much milk he is really sick, so giving him another bottle is not an option really, just hope the extra oz and meal will make a diffrence.

he isnt skinny by any means, i thought he was just the right size to be honest, but this has got me really worried that i have been starving him.

the meal i give him for lunch is pureed veg with potatoes, i didnt want to give him meat, fish or pasta untill he was 6 months.

i think i will prob give him some baby rice for breakfast with his bottle, hopefuly that will make him gain more and get back to the 75th line.

I just feel so stupid now :( i have always been for soilds and hated HV for telling mums not to give them till 6 months, but it always suck in my mind so i didnt give him anymore, even tho i he seemd hungry, just wish i had listened to myself and done it, then maybe he wouldnt have lost so much weight.


do you think he is skinny?? sorry about this, im obbessing now i know but i cant help it.

the only other thing i can think of is that he is very active, he never stops kicking, aso maybe he is burning fat off faster than im giving it to him??

No hun he's not skinny!!!

He has a double chin like Jack!!
I don't think that he is skinny. I also don't understand why its advised to give more meals when milk contains more calories?
i cant possibly give him another bottle, i cant fit it in the day unless i wake him up, he sleeps from 7pm till 6/7am, he will have a bottle then, another at 10ish, another at 2ish, another at 6ish, then bed at 7.

plus the more milk he drinks, the more he brings up, so another meal makes sense coz he keeps that down.

Ah I see, didn't realise he was 'sicky'. I wasn't/don't mean to be difficult sometimes. All I could understand is that you'd started to give a bit of veg to help fill him up, he'd lost weight, and you were being advised to give more veg. I assumed that this meant to fill him up and would replace milk, so thought that your HV was being stupid for recommending something that would probably make him lose more weight (because of the difference in calories).
ah i see, no its not to replace any bottles, that would be weaning and im not going to do that untill he is 6 months.

im still unsure wether to give him more veg atall, im really confused and dont really know what to do


Thomas is between the 9th and 25th centile on his chart!!!! everybody keeps saying he is a big lad while his weight is showing he is underweight. I started giving him baby rice once a day, well the creche does ;) and i will have him weight in 2 weeks time see if the chart is better :)

But your boy does not look skinny, he looks fine :)
Would the giving of veg deter him from taking milk (if he wanted it?).

Could you give him a smaller bottle feed between 10 and 2? That's quite a gap :?
Layla hun, don't beat yourself up. I have stopped going by weight now as Seren's weight has always fluctuated and she has now dropped two centiles but neither myself or the HV are concerned because she is so alert, active, giving wet nappies and shows no sign of being malnourished. The centiles are there as a guide based on average baby weight gains. Looking at that photo of Coby he looks the picture of health (and that expression is the cutest). You have not been starving him, if he was starvng you would have known about it. I agree with what the others are saying, I would increase his milk. Is he sick a lot? Could this be an issue?

See my little slim jim here, right skinny minnie

layla try giving him baby porridge made with his milk thats what i do for hannah that way he is getting both. hannah has very little milk but has gained very little weight 8lb in 8 months and she is sick when she has to much milk but seems to keep food made with milk down hope this helps
Futermum - thanks hun, jase is 6'6 and slim so im wondering wether Coby is just going to take after him, hes very active too so maybe he is just buring it al off quicker.

rosieroo - the 10 till 2 gap is the same as the 6 till 10 or the 2 till 6, he goes 4 hours between feeds, somtimes 3, depends on how he is feeling i guess.

Beanie - i have just increased his milk from 6oz bottles to 7oz, if he drains them and is not to sickly then i will try to up it some more, dont want to do it to soon incase i hurt his belly.

Mary - i was thinking of baby rice or porriage for those reason, they are the only 2 you can make with foumlar milk so i will give that a try.

thanks for all your replies, means alot, i still cant help but feel responsable tho

I suppose it is - just seemed longer :oops: :lol: That's normally Ella's feedier time (she eats lots in the morning to make up for her sleeping longer at night)
It isn't your fault Layla. I would definately up his milk (slowly like you said you would). DD will take 12oz of EBM before she goes to bed and has done for about 4 weeks now.
He's still a happy healthy baby :)
he had his first 7oz bottle this evening, so hopefuly it will make a diffrence.

thanks guys


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