Feel so guilty


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Well it's my 18th on Dec 23rd, An my mum wanted to buy me a laptop for it, But now im getting moaned at by my sister an brother cuz they said she should of bought me baby stuff instead. But my mum wudnt because your only 18 once an shes buying baby stuff too an everyone else is gettin me baby things for birthday & christmas, So now im feeling mega guilty because my mum really skint herself to buy me a very expensive laptop last weekend, she wanted me to have it early so i'd get more out of it before baba arrives.
But now i feel really guilty because she skint herself, aswell as my brothers or sister aint getting anything as near as much as the laptop cost but they are all in their 20's. An i feel uber guilty on baby too.
Feel so selfish
you are only 18 once and you obviously deserve it :hug:

Brothers and sisters can be really spiteful sometimes especially when jealous!
Its up to her what she spends on you/buys you. There probably jelous!! :hug:
tbh if some one brought my baby some thing for my birthday i'd be pretty pissed off, baby has its own b.day hehehe

if ur mam wanted to buy u a laptop let her, enjoy it. baby only needs love so dont feel guilty about that either
You shouldnt feel guilty babe. Just because your gonna be a mummy doesnt mean you should give up your right to have pressies for you on your birthday! Especially your 18. Plus its a productive present to help you so there is even less reason to feel guilty.
Just enjoy! :hug:

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