Feel really low


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
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I don't know why, I just feel like crap constantly and just want to feel normal. I feel so lucky to be pregnant but I just can't stop crying, oh is away in navy and mum is helping lots but I'm just so so down :( don't know what to do x
Oh no :( sorry you are feeling so low at the moment.....my oh works abroad too so I know what it's like when you feel all lonely on top of the crappy sickness stuff!!

Try and think positive thoughts (I know it's difficult to see them sometimes when you feel down, but there are loads of good things to think about!)
Maybe if you feel up for it go and do something nice and relaxing with your mum or a good friend, or if you don't want to go out get some good movies and snuggle under the duvet ( no weepy movies allowed though!!)

Hope you feel better soon hun x
Its normal to have bad days especially if you are feeling physically unwell and run down. If you are feeling like this all the time though i would talk to your g.p or midwife, as depression is really common in pregnancy, due to all those hormones being all over the place. They will be able to offer you advice and support.
Oh hun bless you, no wonder you're feeling like this with your OH being away and all the sickness you've had on top of all the crazy preggo hormones! I think the thing to remember is this won't last forever, lots of people say Tri 2 is so much better! I defo think a few duvet days with a really good feel-good flm is in order, or get the girls round to cheer you up? I'm glad you've got your mum helping you, I'd defo speak to your midwife too as she can prob just give you some reassurance that its totally normal to feel like that and maybe some ideas of how to start feeling a bit better Xxx

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