Feel like I'm on an emotional rollacoster!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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It's my first month TTC and I haven't got a clue what's going on.

AF is due this time next week and I'm having all sorts of strange things happening to me.

My boobies hurt like hell. Now they normally hurt for a couple of days each month but it's normally earlier in my cycle than this.

Last night I was kneeling with my head in the loo heaving for england because I felt so sick.....I wasn't actually sick though. :puke:

I'm soooooooo emotional. I'm working (or supposed to be) right now and for the most the of day I've just been trying to stop myself crying! I keep going like I'm about to burst out crying any moment and I have to keep holding it back. I have been weeing quite a lot but nothing like as often as most people say they do.

I know it's a bit too early to test myself yet and I also think it's a bit too early to be getting any symptoms. Am I right????? :? Am I just imagining it??? :?

Gosh...... I'm crying again now!! Good job I'm in the office on my own this afternoon!! :oops:

:| :? :| :?
hard to say. You might be pregnant you might not. The only way to know is to wait and test. I know its awful waiting :hug: When i 1st started i thought i were pregnant every months and got all the symptoms. :hug: just try to relax, i know its easier said than done. :hug: :hug:
Aw bless you Hon, you are experiencing the first symptom of someone ttc - no clue as to what the hell is going on!! Well you are amongst friends here and between us all there is also loads of experience in emotional upheaval of ttc so we all understand how you feel.

I would say it's a little early to feel sick but the sore boobs is a good sign. You sound like you have got yourself into a right state. Try to relax if you can I know it's easier said then done. Pamper yourself tonight and remember that you will be pregnant soon even if it is not this month.

Lots of :hug: Becs
Cheers ladies.

Personally I don't think I'm going to be pregnant this month....don't know why, just got a feeling that this isn't the month it's going to happen.

I think hubby is making it worse because every time I say something he's saying it's because of the bean in my belly and I keep telling him to stop it.

I think I'm getting worried in case it's not there and he'll be really dissapointed.

I think I'll have a chat to him tonight and tell him to stop it.

Awww, I know the wait feels eternal, but not that much longer to go now to wait and test.

Hope you feel better soon and can relax a bit :hug:
I know what you mean about the other half. Men tend to think they have super sperm and genuinely believe that it happens that easily. I hope it does for you though. It's been a while since I saw a 1 monther pass through.


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