What do you all think?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Hi all

I'm not sure what to think now and thought that maybe you guys could help.

The day after we BD'd (we BD'd at ovulation) I woke up feeling dizzy and sick. It didn't wear off all day. My stomach didn't feel like I had a bug, but almost like it was flipping (when you get a butterfly) and then a wave of nausea would come on. I've had this on and off over the last few days.

All of a sudden I have large amounts of CM - some of it really thick and gloopy :oops: . I don't normally have this much at all.

Although I feel hungry I'm off my food and can feel sick over the thought of some of it. When I make myself eat I'm fine. My mouth feels dry sometimes and my stomach keeps bloating even when I haven't eaten or drunk anything

Today I've woken up and feel AF pains, but lighter pains than normal. AF is not due until around 30th of the month. I also have an ache in the lower part of my back to the right hand side.

I can't test as it's far to early I think. What do you all think?

I'm not one to keep looking for signs, but these stick out like a sore thumb. My boobs don't hurt and I can't see any changes.
Personally I'd say try to relax more. I think if youre TTC then you become hypersensitive to any change in your body which you may get normally but dont notice if youre not trying. Find something to occupy your mind and let things happen in due course :)
oh pappadog i hope its your month, everyone is different and has different symptoms, personally when i got my BFP i had no symptoms what so ever, you will have to hang in there and give it a few days to test. thinking of you :hug:
Pappadog, I don't want to build your hopes up but I also had symptons the day after ovulation. I was dazed, nauseous and dizzy! I just didn't feel right. Three days after ovulation after having to stop wearing the perfume I'd been wearing for about 8 years I saw myself in the mirror and just knew. Not to mention the sore boobs which I never got with AF. I held out doing a test until 4 days before ovulation by which time I was covered in blue veins, was gagging at smells and had bad food aversions so was not at all surprised to test positive. I went on to have awful 24 hour sickness throughout the first tri so I guess the hormones kicked in really strong and immediately so yes it is possible thta you have symptons already, mountains of luck, I will check back to see if you get your BFP xx
i had a feeling i was pg coz i got sore boobs two weeks before af was due to come xx

i never had symptoms till weeks later but wish you all the luck... keep us posted!!

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