feel like im being ripped apart, what can i do


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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My pubic bone is getting worse, it feels like its being pulled apart every time i get up or move, its so bad now what can i do to ease it, im gonna try a bath soon see if that helps:(
:hug: I cannot believe you can go on much longer Mel - you must feel awful with your swelling and this, can you get your midwife to give you an internal on Friday? If you havent gone by then that is :D

Jane x
Hiya hun. Have you got a support belt? Mine gives me a bit of relief as it kinda holds me together iykwim.

Have you asked about getting a sweep? When mine was really bad with James i went to the midwife who referred me to the hospital and the consultant gave me a sweep and it worked.

Really hope you pop soon!
:hug: :hug:
I have heard of these belts and seen them, they look so un comfy if im honest, but i suppose if they work i could try it, my middy wont do a sweep till 7 days past term, she expalined this to me as she said shewould if she could, i dont wana pester her if im honest, im just plodding along. Im seeing her on fri and mon so you never know they may try and help me out, if i am totally honest i dont see this baby coming out naturally, i think its gonn be a c section due to how big i am, i dont feel ill be able to push this one out at all :(
Mel&Bean said:
I have heard of these belts and seen them, they look so un comfy if im honest, but i suppose if they work i could try it, my middy wont do a sweep till 7 days past term, she expalined this to me as she said shewould if she could, i dont wana pester her if im honest, im just plodding along. Im seeing her on fri and mon so you never know they may try and help me out, if i am totally honest i dont see this baby coming out naturally, i think its gonn be a c section due to how big i am, i dont feel ill be able to push this one out at all :(
i had a bump belt near the end and didnt like it, i felt it was restrictive and worried it was putting pressure on baby.
see thats what i was worried about too hen, how did you cope with it Jen, ??

Tbh i am really struggling, its gone into my hips now and i can barly walk, Our mate coady has just been up he was offering to help me and said i could even phone him if i need anything like from the shops or anything like that, i thought that was lovely of him.
Gals been great too atm
tbh the pain was that bad i was just grateful for any relief. I have just been given another one as i have had to go back about SPD as its just got v bad again. I wear it kinda under the bump so i dont feel like it restricts bubs. I also have crutches which really helps.

Im so surprised with you measuring so big taht your middy isnt being more accommodating. Thats so poo!

I am going to have to have an elective C section because of size of baby and I have my date for 2 weeks before my due date. If my SPD gets any worse they will also consider bringing it even further forward.

If I were you hun I would really emphasise how crap you are feeling and that you already have a toddler to look after and you need someone to do something for you - be it a sweep or a possible C section. Have you had a growth scan?
:hug: :hug: :hug:
i have issues with my belt as well. The hospital gave it to me to help with SPD, but it sits right on where my hip hurts at the top from the fall i had all those months ago. it pushes it in and makes it really painful. However it is helpful for a while for the pain in my pelvis underneath, as it lifts Lewis up for a little bit - but i can't wear it for too long.

Call your mw and see if there is any slim chance they will do a sweep.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
with scott my 12 year old i had spd so bad i was in a wheelchair for the last few weeks but i think running round after the other 5 at the time made it so much worse, with Levi although i had spd i took thinks really easy and it made a big difference, i couldnt quite run a marathon but i could go for a slow walk round the shops etc providing i took it easy after.
Put your feet up hun and dont go anywhere you dont have to.
Yeah i had a growth scan at 29 weeks as i was measuring 35cms, its a very big baby, and tbh i dont see me pushing it out. I think im gonna turn on the wworks to ry and get the middy to ehlp me out and maybe get thjigns going as im at a point now where its affecting looking after Hope and i cant compramise that now especially with the big change thats about to come :( its not fair on her

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