Feel like crap


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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God i am so tired!
Dior and Harley are both so poorly coughing none stop! They cant sleep -so i dont sleep.
Dior has such bad coughing fits she is sick every where!
when ones not crying the other one is. i can just about handle that but when they are both screaming at the same time and being sick!
i just want to jump out the window

but al the doc said is "Give them calpol"

My little brother had it the other day my dad took him to another doc and was giving anti biotixs straight away and dad was told to double the dose as he was so poorly! Dior and Harley are both just how he was but i have been giving nothing! the doc barley spoke a word of english! she just listened to their cheast said " bla bla bla bla bla viral bla bla bla calpol"

Im bloody shattered! :evil: but happy new year :lol:
aww dionne, sorry your feeling crap, could you ask to see a different doctor?
don't really know what else to suggest to you hun, have you tried the usual , warm, steamy bathroom trick,
when they are coughing its horrible so i know how you feel :cry:

hope dior & harley get better super fast & you get some :sleep: soon!!
take care.xx
aw i bet your wel tired have you treid seeing a different doctor?
i agree. can u see a different doc?

poor little things. i hope they feel better soon, and you catch up with some sleep soon :hug:
dionne said:
God i am so tired!
Dior and Harley are both so poorly coughing none stop! They cant sleep -so i dont sleep.
Dior has such bad coughing fits she is sick every where!
when ones not crying the other one is. i can just about handle that but when they are both screaming at the same time and being sick!
i just want to jump out the window

but al the doc said is "Give them calpol"

My little brother had it the other day my dad took him to another doc and was giving anti biotixs straight away and dad was told to double the dose as he was so poorly! Dior and Harley are both just how he was but i have been giving nothing! the doc barley spoke a word of english! she just listened to their cheast said " bla bla bla bla bla viral bla bla bla calpol"

Im bloody shattered! :evil: but happy new year :lol:

dionne i know eactly how you're feeling. Just beofre xmas all mine had a big one after the other. Then just as they got better DH got ill and as you know MAN FLU is really serious :roll:
i hope you all get well soon. and in the mean time here is a hug from me :hug:
hey dionne you should try to see the seadoc at the hospital

hope they both get better soon and you get your sleep :hug:
cheers girls!

kris has just took Dior from her cot and is on his way to the walk in centre. god help the doc he dont look happy.
she is coughing none stop sick every where through so much coughing.
i have given her loads of cough medicine medised put boiling hot water in saucepans round her bed room vabour rub on her cheast. but she is getting worse.
Harley aint happy but i can cope with him he aint as bad.

i hope kris comes home with a prescription to sort it.

plus Harley had his jabs weds so if feeling even more rough.

sorry to go on. i am mega feeling sorry for myself and the kids.

Budge how did you manage with 4 children + man flu.
ild have defo jumped out the window
:hug: :hug: :hug: Awww Dionne hun bless ya bet you are so tired and your poor babies, i hope you are all better soon, you included i bet your longing for a good nights sleep xxx
yeah its hit me more because i have been lucky with my 2 and i am not used to sleepless nights.

hope my babies are better soon Dior running around trashing my house trying to put Harley in her dolls pram :lol:
kris went the walk in centre! same doc :roll:
said the same thing!

kris said well atlast open her mouth check her glands?
she did she said it was fine? kris said can you give her any thing she has not slept for 2 nights not a wink. she said no try steamy room! i have tryed it.

i am soooooo pissed of right now!
but kris is on his way home and wouldnt ask for a 2nd opinion!

so any one no? - if its normal that they should leave Dior this way and say it will pass?
Dionne Alfie was really poorly when he was about 9/10weeks old and he was struggling to breath i took him to the docs at 2 who said that his chest was clear :shock: Was it balls i took him back same day at 6 and he said oh he is a bit wheezy if you take him to hosp they will just send you home. A slept fine i slept well i say slept i didnt sleep at all, next to his cot all night to check he was still breathing, on the tuesday i was furious i didnt care if they sent me home i wanted a second opinion, i took him to the hospital and they kept him in for three days, he was very poorly he had bronchilitis and they even told Ian to come home (he was working in northern ireland) because it could have gone either way, luckily he rallied round really quickly, and we got to take him home on the friday, but if i hadnt of took him and hadnt gone to hospital i may not have my little boy now. Sorry babe do not want to worry you Im sure Dior will be fine babe but your her mummy trust your instincts if you think they can do more then fight for it, this doctor is probably on a power trip wanting to prove a point shes right instead of actually doing her job properly, how are you holding up are you ok?
aw no thats terrible i didnt no you were going through all that, must have been a nightmare. well Dior and kris aint back yt but i no when i see the state of Dior i will be fuming. i hate docs i really do.
she says its a viral infection and antibiotixs wont clear it and its nothing to worry about! Harley has had a viral infection before at 5weeks and was given antibiotix.
i wen the walk in centre with him whn he was a baby. they said i was nothing sent me home next morning he was covered top to tow in a rash and was in a state by the time i got to the docs next day the doc looked so worried said he was dehidrated etc.

im funing. bu stuff it i will be going to my own gp tomorrow morning stuff the walk in centre :twisted:
Hows Dior and Harley today babe are they any better? hope you got a bit more sleep last night. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi :)

Harley is getting worse Dior just the same. they have slept loads though i just keep giving them medised.
they both settled about 2am woke at 10am. back down for a sleep at 12pm and have only just woke up. they wont eat. so i will bath them read them a book and try get them back to bed. best place for them untill it passes.

Dior has her jab tomorrow. that new one forgot what its called? blood posioning ear infection one? think she can still have it?
Hi Dionne

Sorry you're having such a hard time with both your bubs... I think you're coping really well hun :hug:

I expect having the jab will be fine, but mention it to the nurse beforehand just in case. Also I would ask first whether or not there may be any side effects from the jab, the last thing you need is poor Dior having more symptoms on top of her illness.

Let us know how it goes
Im not sure hun, glad youve been able to get rest but the poor little cuties, aww hun i feel so much for them and you cause its hard when ones ill youve got 2 poorly LO's. When A had Bronchilitis he couldnt have his jabs which is why hes behind with them, call up in the morning and double check no point in a wasted journey :hug: :hug: :hug:

aww so sorry they are going thrugh this , hope they get better really soon, and hope you get your much needed rest as well :hug:
I hate doctors :evil:

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