Feel like a failure


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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It hit me last night that it doesn't look like this baby is going to make an appearance on his own.
Am being induced either today or tomorrow and haven't had even a hint of a contraction.
Me and OH had one last ditch attempt at dtd last night, and still not a hint of a contraction.
Feel like a failure of a mum for not being able to start labour on my own.
I had no sickness or cravings or anything through the whole pregnancy and just feel like I haven't done a good enough job.
I know he must be happy enough in there to not want to come out, but I just feel I haven't done enough.
I only hope i have a quick, easy and successful induction now.
Sorry for the rant, just feeling crap.
Aww don't feel like that! I guarantee that if you weren't induced you would start labour on your own, it's just medical opinion that they should help you on your way a little bit! The fact that you worry about being a failure of a mum just shows what a lovely mum you are going to be.

Today (or tomorrow) is a wonderful day - very soon you will be holding your baby :love:
Don't feel to sad, it just means your little baby is too comfy to come out so needs abit of encouragement, i was induced with my first and i loved it, it was only 4 hours and was nice to know the midwifes where round the corner instead of being at home panicing about when to go in, you will still be going through labour and giving birth to your baby which is the most greatest thing in the world and once that beautiful baby is in your arms it wont matter that your body had to have a little encouragement because they will finally be here after such a long wait, just think no more waiting no more being uncomfy and no more labour spotting xx
Thanks a lot.
Have heard that most inductions finish with epidurals or c-sections, and I don't want either!
Just getting myself worked up a bit, which I know won't help.
Oh hun, don't beat yourself up. The more worked up you get the less likely to go into labour too.

The most important thing is for LO to get here safe and sound.

I do understand how you feel though, I had to be induced after my waters went, cervix opened but nothing happened, all ended in emergency section after 3 hours pushing. Felt like I'd been robbed and it really really got to me.

Oh hun, don't feel bad! Like Little_angel said, eventually your body would do it on it's own, but its just safer after a certain period to start things off.

In terms of c-sections, that can happen at any time - whether induced or not. I understand where you're coming from as I really don't want one. BUT I say to myself that the most important thing is that me and Bubs are safe and healthy, and if a c-section is the way for that to happen then so be it.

You're going to be a great mum :)
Good luck hun! The fact that your worried so much shows u will be an amazing mum :) just look forward to holding your gorgeous baby soon! Xxx
Oh hun, you will be just fine and a great mum no matter how labour kicks in. You've come this far nourishing your baby do you should feel proud sending you a hug xx
You know what I ha e had exact same worries! I have had a total of about 3 bh over whole pg, lucky to not gave any problems but also feel lack of symptoms means something. Ppl asking if my boobs are leaking and they arent so worried I won't be able to feed!
You will be absolutely fine , and hopefully it won't be long till you can hve cuddles!!
Don't feel to sad, it just means your little baby is too comfy to come out so needs abit of encouragement
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Still not had a call so got to ring the hospital this morning and find out where i am on the list.
You're not a failure at all, baby's just too comfy! And like the others have said, the fact ur worrying about it means ur gonna be a fantastic mummy :)
Any news on where you are on the list? Hope it happens soon for you!
It doesnt matter what you do the baby will come when it wants so its not really something you can control. but having induction isnt a failure at least you still get to have a normal birth x

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